Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Made it to swim practice this morning and pretty much did a straight 2400 trying to keep up with the newest super-fast visitor in the lane. Had a fantasy of getting in a run but didn't quite make it.

2450 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pulled another "all-nighter" for a work project and went to bed around 4 AM, missing yoga :( Then I had my first day of fall class, Business Calculus and that, combined with the multiple competing priorities I have dissolved into tears by the end of the night.

Was a "forced" rest day...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wally vetoed swim practice this morning, but did approve a 6 AM run as long as I did not disturb him :)

I set out with the intention of running about 90 minutes and put together a run from home down to and through Ravenna, back along the trail and home via Stone Way and Greenlake.

10 Mile Run @ 01:1:39:00

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Posted a 2 lb loss at WW today, but I am still up from when I left for Italy :(

Got in a lift and that will pretty much be it for the day because I have work and homework.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Went for a recovery but hilly 2 hour run today before taking Julie and Kevin down to the Puyallup fair :)

12 Mile Run @ 02:00:00

Friday, September 25, 2009

Went to swim practice this morning and followed it with a not-exactly-speedy run around Greenlake...

2400 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

3.4 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worked from home in the morning and got a quick run at lunchtime before heading into the office, and then picking up my sister, Julie and Kevin at the airport!

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:52:00

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Late bedtime for me - had a homework dinner date with a classmate and then had to work at 9 PM (from home, so it was not too bad). By the time Wally and I calmed down, it was pretty late and the 4:45 AM alarm was not welcomed by either of us.

Our lane was kinda weird today - new guy who is super fast and most of the regulars were not there so there were some big gaps and he lapped me on the 400 and 500. I also got some good coaching on my stroke and really tried to focus on it although that seemed to slow me down significantly.

2450 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yoga was great like usual this morning :) We did some sort of Dolphin pose that really was just a plank for me, with my butt sticking out only the slightest bit. Not easy....but it did make the instructor giggle :)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Then I got in a quick easy run during lunch and my shins were not exactly thrilled to be running again.

4 Mile Run @ 00:38:46

Monday, September 21, 2009

When the alarm went off this morning, I was already full of excuses to skip swimming but when I asked myself what my problem was, I answered that I didn't like swimming because it was really hard. I then asked myself how it could get less hard and answered by practicing! That got me out the door this morning...

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Actually made it into Core Class this morning and really suffered this first day back in far too many weeks away.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Had a tough time getting to sleep last night but did sleep in. Missed my meeting by accidentally going a half hour late, but I was not going to going to weigh in anyway because my sore muscles retained 3.4 lbs of water that I did not have yesterday.

Did get in a quick lift though but took the weights easy.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I am writing this to remind myself to read this post next year when I think that the Cle Elum 50k trail run is a good idea.

My day started with my alarm at 4:10 AM. Because I got home late, I ate dinner late and my digestive system was a bit off...nuff said. Left the house a little before 5 AM and drove East in the dark through rain almost the entire time. By the time I arrived, I was 20 minutes too late for the early 7 AM start but I figured that I would have no problem making the 9 hour cut off. After all, my first 50k took me a little over 6 hours, and the last one I did was just under 5 hours. Even though I had not really trained for it, I was planning to just planning to do it as a run, not a race.

We were warned at the beginning that there was a lot of elevation and I knew that 8,000 feet was going to be tough, but I forgot how tough... damn. The first three miles were uphill a fire road and I took it easy jogging the entire time. Then we started to climb. And climb. And climb until we hit the first rest stop at 7ish miles. Then the 25k people turned around because their race was an out and back and the 50k participants continued.

I felt really good at that point, the weather was perfect for me and it was lightly misting. I decided to wear a light wool tank top under a light wool long sleeve shirt and was comfortable taking the long sleeve shirt on and off as the temperature changed. I was even fine with the dirt bikes (the loud motorized kind) for a while but I eventually tired of how many there were, and how much dust, mixed with gas fumes. Unfortunately, the trails were not wide enough to share so whenever I heard them coming, I had to pull over and cling to a tree so they could pass. By the end, when my attitude was completely in the toilet, I did allow myself one little nasty fantasy of seeing one clothes-lined...

Aside from the dirt bikes, my other issue was running in the ditch that the repeated dirt bike traffic left on the trails. I am already a beginner on technical trails, but running in a rut was exceptionally difficult for me. I tried to straddle, hop from side to side but never really found a sweet spot. My ankles took a real beating... I also notice that the only people I saw on foot were race participants. Everyone else was on a dirt bike.

I missed a turn about about 19 miles in and ended up adding an extra 20-25 minutes to my time. I was in a foul mood by the time I hit the next rest station and really did not appreciate the responses of some of the volunteers there who, I am sure were just trying to keep themselves from going crazy with boredom by seeing who could throw the most sarcastic response to the runners' questions. But most of the volunteers were awesome and the rest stops were well stocked!

At the last rest stop, I had determined from the mileage that there was only 5.8 miles to go and I would make the time easily until I was told that there were actually 7 miles -- the organizer had gotten a bit carried away. I finally finished 3rd from last and was 22 minutes past the cut-off time. This is the first time I have ever not made a cut-off time and I was really bummed.

Got some nutrition at the finish line and took a to-go sandwich for the road. I had plenty of time to still get home in the daylight until I hit construction and 10 miles of stop and go traffic. Being stuck in construction traffic is bad, but being stuck in construction traffic post race crusty with especially foul body odor is truly eye-watering terrible.

I finally got home after 9:00 to Ruth's delicious chicken enchiladas and the appropriate amount of sympathy for my long day.

50k (plus*) Run @ 09:22:00

* Note from Organizer...
"thanks again for coming out and running the new and improved cle elum 50k and 25k! we had a perfect finisher percentage something i've never heard of for non-road race of these kinds of distances. and speaking of distances if you didn't hear about it while hanging out and eating the yummy food from canyon river bakers catering company the courses were longer than advertised-- runners with gps watches got around 18 miles for the 25 and between 33.5 and 36 miles for the 50k (sometime before next year's race i'll go and measure the courses with a professional quality gps). despite the long distances, nasty weather and tough tough course it sure seemed like everyone had a good day--maybe not a fun day and i was told by quite a few people they hated me but at the finishline i saw lots of smiles. "
My alarm woke me up at 4:45 and I was just talking myself into getting up when I realized I had fallen asleep and it was 5:10. I could not fall back asleep and decided to get up, drink a bit of coffee and then catch the 6:36 bus to Core class. My plan was perfect, except that the bus schedule had changed and it left at 6:26...

Needless to say, my entire day continued along that vein up to 9:00 PM when I finally arrived home after working late. This was because I was rushing to the latest express bus, only to learn I had forgotten my wallet back at work. and the Mariners game only made the back and forth worse... :(

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Feeling a little better this morning and decided to go for a nice easy >6 mile run. Kept the pace pokey and kept my ego firmly in my pocket when EVERYONE passed me...

8 Mile Run @ 01:20:00

Got in a lift after work even though I had to drag myself...

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still sick. Worked from home all day and didn't even leave my building...
Went home sick around 1:00 yesterday and remained in bed through late this morning and missed Yoga. Didn't have it to do anything else.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Got my butt completely kicked this morning in swim practice and barely hung on. Then went for a weak little run around the lake.

2600 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00
3.2 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Up 2.8 this morning at WW. My eating/activity ratio was really good in Italy but my eating was definitely out of proportion to my activity the week I got back. Well, it's a journey and I went off the trail but I am back and ready to continue.

Lift after the meeting and then went for a super easy recovery bike ride with Ruth, who is fighting off a cold. It is kinda interesting that I will run further next weekend than I rode today.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

30 Mile Ride @ 02:00:00

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I ended up taking yesterday completely off. Ruth headed to the lake in the morning for a beautiful swim but despite her invitation, I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I had a 20 mile run on my training plan for the day but decided to push it a little to see if I could possibly do the Cle Elum 50k next weekend. Made it through the first 23 miles, but the heat got to me and I caught the bus the last mile to my house :) I tried to stay downwind of the other passengers.

23 Mile Run @ 03:50:00

After my run, I talked with Cheryl and came up with a new plan because I am just not excited about Bellingham marathon. I will do the Cle Elum 50k next weekend, rest the weekend of the 26th (when my sister and boyfriend visit) and then run the Mt. Baker 50k the first weekend in October. Note that I am running vs. racing :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Went for a hilly morning run that was not particularly fast but got the job done. Was feeling under the weather by the end of the day and Ruth was kind enough to scoop me.

6.5 Mile Run @ 01:05:00

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Went for a great run during my lunch break and managed to keep the pace up past a slow waddle. Glad I finally have my legs back!

4 Mile Run @ 00:36:00

Went for a lift after work and before Stretch class.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00
Lower Weights @ 00:05:00

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Yogahhhhhhh this morning. Never needed it more! Was thinking about riding my bike home after work but didn't have it in me. Ruth was kind enough to scoop me...

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Monday, September 07, 2009

Flew in around midnight after a 10+ hour plane ride from Italy to Atlanta, dinner with my Korean mom and then a 6+ hour flight from Atlanta to Seattle. Definitely a bit turned around!

Got in my long run, but it was 5 miles shy of what I was supposed to do...but I did not have those additional 5 in me. Good butt-kicking...

14 Mile Run @ 02:20:00

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Back in Venice after a week long class hiking and learning in the Dolomites. Put together some AM hikes for the group to get my legs moving extra and see some things we would not have otherwise. I also have been eating like a PIG but hungry all the time. My shorts were super loose this morning so I think I did not overdue the intake.

Been wandering around all day today enjoying the sights and just got myself a ticket to see the opera. When in Venice and all....