Sunday, November 08, 2009

Enough procrastinating, no more excuses. I had a choice to either get in my 50k run or waste a taper week (minus yesterday's killer spin class...).

Ruth dropped me off at the Lake Sammamish trail in Issaquah and I ran to U Village. My goal was to do the 50k in 5 hours and I ended up going over by one minute...but was pretty damn proud of myself. Granted, it was a super flat route...but a 5 hour 50k is a bit aggressive for me at this point in my training.

I was definitely hurting by hour 4 and had to dig a bit deeper than I have for quite a while. When I did, I had this moment when I said to myself, "hey, I remember YOU". I really have not worked very hard lately...since training for IMCD actually and this week has me back to that place of pain (interval run, killer spin class and finally this run) yet deep satisfaction that I am no longer avoiding the hard stuff.

31.3 Mile Run @ 05:04:00 9:42 pace (did the 50k in 05:01:00)

1 comment:

AnnLaBar said...

When did this happen? This ultramarathon-ing thing? I am such a slacker! I am impressed and inspired. Go SJ -- what started this I wonder? It's been so long since we've spoken ...