Friday, August 31, 2007

Got in a lake swim this morning while watching the sun rise. Kept the pace easy and simply enjoyed swimming again.

1 Mile-ish Swim @ 00:35:00

Then had a great "wrap up the season meeting" with Cheryl. My focus for the next few months is strength, flexibility, core and nutrition.

5 x 1 Minute Plank with Rotation

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Drove down to Greenlake and had a pleasant aerobic run around it. Went into work for my one day work week.

3.1 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This morning, Ruth and I met at Leschi and rode around the south end of the lake. I took my aero-bars off this morning (I had planned to but a garage door vs aero bar mishap helped accelerate that decision) and was happy to re-discover my bike without them :)

The pace was easy, the views beautiful and our mood very very very good. I actually enjoyed my bike again. And no HR monitor!

27.5 Mile Ride @ 02:00:00

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Had a wonderful recovery day yesterday. Started out the morning with a big salty greasy breakfast from Denny's. Even the waitress was impressed by my order and mentioned that I must be very hungry! I did my best but could not make it all the way through the mega meat lover's breakfast :)

Then off to Penticton to visit Jeff in the 2008 registration line, signed up for a massage and then came back to the house again for a nap. We returned to Penticton for our massage (OUCH OUCH OUCH) but I know that it will help a great deal with the healing long term and then a celebration dinner complete with champagne. Ruth's mom told us that Germans mix it with beer and we tried it with our Sleemans and it was very good.

Slept in until 6:30 this morning and hit the lake for a swim. I felt really good, strong and powerful going out but figured I better turn around before it fades. And just in time as I made it back and precisely the end of my little energy streak.

30 Minute Lake Swim

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I am IRON, hear me....fart

This is my last Ironman Race report before I head off to my Ironman-free sabbatical -- formally known as retirement but adjusted since my friends and coach have called "BS" on my plan to retire completely. If anyone is counting, this is Ironman #3 in 366 days...

We set the alarm for 4:15 AM and had our usual coffee/bagel and last moment preparations before heading out to the course start on a dark and cloudy but not terribly cold morning.

We did not get there early enough to score a decent parking place so we ended up hiking to the start with a lot of our stuff, including the entire water supply of Summerland that Ruth was carrying in her gazillion water bottles. Unfortunately, the body-marking stations were not set up as efficiently as last year and there were fairly long lines to get our numbers written on us but we made it in on time to visit our transition bags and get everything ready.

Swim @ 1:20:48 (2:08 per 100 pace)
I found Ruth again at the start of the swim and was able to give her a final hug before we took off -- to the biggest swim start in Ironman history... Now that sounds really important and like an impressive thing but if you are one of the chum, it is not as much fun. Because I am not as fast as the fast female triathletes but faster than the slower women, I usually end up swimming with the slower men which means I was pretty much kicked, slapped and punched for the first bit of the swim and that encouraged me to position myself a bit further from the group, but also made for a longer swim.

Transition 1 @ 7:16
Had a good transition and left the tent feeling so light that I wondered if I had forgotten anything. I had not :)

Bike @ 7:26:34 (15.0 mph pace)
Got out on the course and the first 50 miles were GRAVY. Beautiful tailwind and the temperature was perfectly cool. Of course, I got dropped by everyone but my spirits were high and I was feeling good. The best part was running into our friend Joel a couple of times because he is just so sweet and encouraging. He helped me more than he knows out there. I remember passing the 50 mile marker and saying to myself "almost halfway done and feeling fresh as a G-D Daisy". Note how this includes "The Richtor" as I felt confident and powerful climbing it -- as well as descending it. No brakes!!!

And the other riders were okay too except for one of the guys who was in front of me who had apparently just learned how to pee on his bike. He slowed down and swerved all over the place and then swerved some more rinsing his $10,000 toilet off with his water bottle.

At every rest stop, I would slow down when approaching it and eat a bite of power bar (chopped into bite size pieces and then frozen the night before for easy access). Then I would ask for a water and sip from that until I hit the end of the aid station and throw out the 2/3 full bottle. I quickly switched to Gatorade and abandoned my Nuun because my body starting craving Gatorade right away. Plus it was not as much work.

Then the second half started and my hell began with headwinds and a back that refused to tolerate an aero position for one moment longer. The out and back to the special needs area was longer than it seemed as though it should be. I got off my bike then to use the bathroom and re-apply butt butter and ate some potatoes. I was still strong climbing Yellow Lake (and passed many of my "pace peers" only to have them drop me again on the descents. I really need to get better at descending. I have so much to offer a descent (weight...) and waste it.

On my way back into town, I saw Cheryl and Jeff on my way into town and proudly announced that I ate 2 powerbars on the bike :) I was very very very anxious to get off my bike and it took a good few minutes before I could stand upright without a bent back after hurling it at the nice volunteers who racked it for us.

Transition 2 @ 5:58
Got to see Ann in the transition tent and wish her a good run before heading out. I changed into my red running shirt (favorite) and was excited to begin my run. I was planning to drop the many chicks who kicked my ass on the bike (and definitely caught up with some of them).

Run @ 5:06:25 (11:42 Pace)
I got to high-five Ruth's mom and Rolf on my way out and had a really good first half of the marathon holding a 10-11 pace. My plan was to walk the aid stations and alternate between gatorade and water/gel blocks. I got to see Cheryl and Jeff again on my way out and was feeling really terrific. I did appreciate the crowds but did want to get to a section without spectators because I was trying really hard not to fart in front of them. I thought to myself "I am Iron, hear me fart" and shared that with Cheryl when I passed her.

Got to see Ruth near the turn around and she looked strong and beautiful. She wished me a Happy Anniversary -- what a way to celebrate three years!

With about 10 miles left, I started to struggle with my nutrition and tried really really hard to eat the gels but ended up just spitting out the last two I ate. I did all sorts of self-talk but my body would not listen. The pain started in my back (higher than the pain from the bike). I promised myself that I would not have to eat any more gels and would take my nutrition from the aid stations. At about 10k left, I could not approach an aid station without having to struggle against the urge to hurl and did not eat/drink anything for the last 3 or so miles and ran it all on fumes.

Cheryl ran with me during a part of the second to last mile and I told her that I was not going to make my goal (14 hour finish) and she told me to not let my attitude deteriorate (too late...) because I yelled back at the next spectator who said "you did it" -- "No, I haven't yet" and that reflects my tude even though I stand behind original thought that it was a stupid thing to say to someone who has not yet crossed the finish line.

I finished over my goal, but a PR for me and 53 minutes faster than last year with a 14:06:59 and am pretty satisfied with my season. Ruth finished almost 1/2 an hour sooner (kick ASS for her first Ironman) and greeted me at the finish line. She told the volunteers that "she's with me" and took me to a chair.

Now off to my sabbatical -- I am thinking Water Aerobics!

Friday, August 24, 2007

We had a beautiful ride to Penticton yesterday and woke up (no alarm!) at 6 AM. I hopped on my bike and biked from where we are staying in Summerland to Pentiction and back for a nice 13.5 mile round trip.

13.5 Bike Ride @ 00:45:00

We registered for the race and spent too much money on over-priced merchandise with the magic "Ironman Canada 25th" words embroidered on it.

I am feeling strangely calm about the entire thing. I cannot say that I am looking forward to racing but I do not feel a sense of dread like I did last year. It will be what it will be. Sunday will hold a lot of lessons and I am ready to accept them all - well, at least not fight them all :)

We are renting the same home we did last year with Ruth's folks and it feels very comfortable and relaxing here. I sure am glad that we are not staying in town with the other twitchy participants. We are hosting a BBQ tomorrow from 2-5 and look forward to spending time with everyone!

Today, Ruth got very very quiet as we headed out of town and we realized that she was having HER meltdown. But she is working through it by relaxing outside with a book and I am going to head over to the hammock beside her shortly.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

After an excellent night's sleep (did I mention that I even took a NAP yesterday), I leisurely drove to Log Boom and parked to stage my brick. Rode up Juanita and down and around the South end of the lake and up Lake Washington BLVD and across Mercer Island. Then back up and over Juanita. Got almost 3000 feet of climbing in. Was not able to get in a 10 mile time trial but took many opportunities to get in my aero bars and hammer whenever I could. Kept up my nutrition and felt good the entire ride, and the run.

55 Mile Bike Ride @ 04:00:00
2 Mile Run @ 00:20:00

4 x 1 min Plank with Rotation

Friday, August 17, 2007

Woke up this morning still very tired but hauled my butt to the lake where I got to watch a beautiful sunrise.

1 Mile Swim @ 00:40:00

Then got a really nice send-off from our friends at Essential Bakery complete with customized cards for the 4 of us who are racing.

After that, I had a really good meeting with Cheryl this morning that put me into exactly the place I needed to be. I have been very stressed out trying to train for this race with a new job I am not crazy about. She convinced me that I am ready and can do this. I still need to work on a more comprehensive race plan but here are the basics:

Total Goal Time: 14 Hours (last year Canada was 14:56 and New Zealand was 14:15)

Swim @ 01:20

T1 @ :08
drink something with calories

Bike @ 07:00 (16 mph)
Alternate calorie drink with nuun/power bar bite every 15 minutes. Set watch to beep.
2 Shakes (2.5 scoops + 2 gels)
4 Nuun bottles
2 Powerbars
Put cheap cheese/cracker packet and salt potatoes in special needs bag

T2 @ :08

Run @ 05:00 (11.27 pace)
Carry gel blocks in varied flavors (Margarita!)
Walk every stop.
Odd miles drink water and eat block
Even miles drink calorie drink

And the two most important things I need to remember:
  • Let go of Ruth on the race course
  • Eat and Drink

Friday, August 10, 2007

Today was our annual I-90 Bridge Swim. I decided not to try to make it to the other shore because I had no reason to -- and I wanted to be sure I got some food :) I decided to swim to "M" but after reaching "M", I continued to "O".

2 Mile Swim @ 01:00:00

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Last long run!

15 Miles @ 02:30:00

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Commuted to work on Hindy.

13 Mile Ride @ 00:50:00

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Slept in a bit and got in a weight session during lunch.


3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
3 x 10 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

After work, I rode the Hindenbug to Madrona where I met Ruth, who was in the middle of her hill repeat workout. I did not hit the lap button hard enough so I do not know what my first lap time was.

Hill Repeat Workout @ 01:00:00

  • Interval 2 @ 06:41
    144a, 162m
  • Interval 3 @ 06:51
  • Interval 4 @ 06:38

Monday, August 06, 2007

Had a nice easy swim practice with the lane completely to myself.

2600 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

I then got my interval run in along Alki. It took a bit longer than I would have liked to get to a path that was marked with 1/2 mile markers but it was worth it. I did the first 4 intervals as a back and forth and then the last 1/2 on my way back in a section that was not marked so I decided to run to the corner or until 3:45 -- whichever one came first. My HR monitor did not pick up on the strap so I have no HR data.

6.5 Mile Run @ 01:08:00
  • Interval 1 @ 03:40:00
  • Interval 2 @ 03:45:00 (ugh, headwind...)
  • Interval 3 @ 03:30:00 (whee...tailwind)
  • Interval 4 @ 03:35:00
  • Interval 5 @ 03:20:00 (not quite .5 miles I strongly suspect)
I also got to read Jeff, Karen and Cheryl's race reports and was so happy for the many small victories they had along the way! :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Rode from Green Water to Sunrise and back. It was a good ride but once we really started climbing, I tried to keep up with Ruth but she ended up dropping me halfway up. My HR was @ 168 and I was starting to lose it so I just let her go ahead.

I did not have the best attitude in the world either...but when do I ever when I am getting my ass kicked.

66 Mile Bike Ride @ 04:45:00

Friday, August 03, 2007

Feeling still pretty tired from Thursday's monster run so I slept in to try to let my legs heal. Took the bus (small victory) to the downtown gym and got in a very easy swim.

1200 Swim @ 00:30:00

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Went for a very long run this morning before work. Started at work and then ran completely around West Seattle for a run that ended up being about 2 miles more than the 20 mile plan. That was pretty disappointing when I realized that I still had a way to go even though I should have been done. My left calf muscle was pretty unhappy with me about 15 miles in but fortunately, that was the worst.

Then I ended up putting in a full day at work with lots of stuff coming up long after I should have left for the day. It was a very very very long day.

22 Mile Run @ 03:40:03