Friday, June 30, 2006

It sure was a beautiful morning for a swim! There was a bigger crowd at the lake at 5:45 than I have seen all summer. The sun was out and the lake like glass so there were no excuses and we swam to the 2nd bouy and back.

1.22 Mile Open Water Swim @ 00:45:00

Have an appointment at 5:30 at Speedy Reedy to put on my amazing new wheels. Ruth had an appointment on the East Side so we got to eat lunch together. That left me with little time to get in a lift before heading across the lake in holiday traffic. So I left a bit early and came home to do my living room workout.

Weight Training

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front and side)
3 x 15 Lower Ab Leg Lift
3 x 15 Back on Ball
5 x 1:00 Plank (front and side)

3 x 12 Shoulder Raise @ 8 lb dumbbells

2 x 15, 1 x 10 Push Up on Ball

3 x 6 Reverse Fly on Ball @ 8 lb dumbbells

3 x 15 Bicep Curl @ 16 lb dumbbells

3 x 15 Tricep Extensions Over Head @ 16 lb dumbbells

Thursday, June 29, 2006

It has been a very full and stressful week. Last night, Ruth agreed to sleep in if I needed to in the morning. When the alarm went off, I (of course) wanted to go back to sleep but Ruth was awake and got up to go to swim practice. So I joined her and was glad I did.

I swam with Duncan today and it was a good decision as it evened out the lanes and pushed me to work harder. Part of the workout was to do a 10 minute swim and count laps (10:00 @ 625) and then a 5 minute swim and do more than half the laps of the 10 (5:05 @ 325).

So I almost made it...I really need to work on my flip turns as I lose a lot of speed on the wall.

2350 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00
Today's bike hill workout was tougher mentally than physically. I was hungry and not in the mood at all to do it. But I completed 5 hill repeats on the Hindenburg from Lake Washington BLVD to Pine. Did 1, 3 and 5 seated and 2 and 4 as 8 revolutions standing, 8 seated.

Bike Hill Workout @ 01:07:28

WU @ 11:52
91a, 112m

Interval 1 @ 06:33
140a, 149m

Interval 2 @ 06:52
143a, 157m

Interval 3 @ 06:48
143a, 157m

Interval 4 @ 06:51
146a, 157m

Interval 5 @ 06:55
144a, 156m

CD @ 06:15

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Got in a good interval run before before entering meeting hell at work. I did 10 x 400 with 200 walk/jog recovery. My fastest was a 1:39 and slowest was a 1:44. I was happpy that I was able to keep the last few fairly consistent.

6+ Mile Interval Run @ 01:02:00

WU @ 00:18:14
164a, 199m

Interval 1 @ 01:43
173a, 195m

Interval 2 @ 01:39 (fastest one)
151a, 172m

Interval 3 @ 01:43
153a, 175m

Interval 4 @ 01:41
158a, 192m

Interval 5 @ 01:42
162a, 195m

Interval 6 @ 01:44
164a, 194m

Interval 7 @ 01:42
168a, 207m

Interval 8 @ 01:42
159a, 199m

Interval 9 @ 01:42
173a, 203m

Interval 10 @ 01:43
164a, 211m

CD @ 10:57
143a, 211m

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sprint workout this morning. We drove to Lake Washington BLVD and did the same workout as the one last month. However, I shortened my recovery and by accident, I believe I shortened a 1 mile sprint to a .75 - may have done it twice judging from my lap time but I am not sure.

16 Mile Sprint Bike Workout @ 01:44:05

WU @ 11:29
99a, 123m

1 Mile Sprint @ 02:59
139a, 152m
.25 Recovery @ 01:03
130a, 147m

.75 Mile Sprint @ 02:07
139a 150m
.25 Recovery @ 01:01
131a, 147m

.5 Mile Sprint @ 01:31
138a, 148m

Recovery to top of Seward Park Upper Loop @ 03:30
127a, 144m

Upper Loop 4 Laps @ 10:49
143a, 159m
Recovery @ 02:28
117a, 148m

Upper Loop 4 Laps @ 10:49
141a, 161m
Recovery back to blvd @ 03:14
113a, 152m

1 Mile Sprint @ 02:19 (?)
147a, 158m
.25 Mile Recovery @ 01:01
140a, 156m

1 Mile Sprint @ 03:09
152a, 159m

CD @ 09:05
127a, 156m

Commute to Work @ 00:35:21
125a, 160m


Ended up working late and was not able to leave the office until after 6:00 so I did not get in the planned Open Water swim after my bike commute. So I rode to Madison Beach and hung out waiting for Ruth to get done.

10 Mile Commute @ ??

Monday, June 26, 2006

Got back in the pool today and learned that we were supposed to have access to a shower as they are remodeling the women's locker room but that did not happen. We do have access to a rinse off shower on the deck :(

The other terrible news is that there is a rumor that Sarah has left Swim Seattle for good. I am going to confirm that rumor with her shortly :(

But regardless, I had a good swim practice. I really need to butch up and swim with Duncan again now that Sarah is not swimming as I do not get challenged enough in my own lane.

2500 Swim Practice @00:55:00
Busy schedule at work! Managed to squeeze in a speed weight training session at lunch.

Weight Training

Back and Side Extensions 5 x 15 @ 10 lb plate (no weights for side)
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
3 x 15 Crunch on Machine @ 25 lb

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 10 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 11 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 12 @ 90 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 10 @ 90 machine

2 x 8 Curl @ 30 barbell
Concentration Curl 2 x 8 @ 20 dumbbells

2 x 12 triceps kickback @ 12 dumbbell
2 x 12 Assisted Dip @ 110

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy Pride Day!

Went for a quick run down to and around Greenlake. Didn't feel good until I was on my way up the hill home...perhaps that was how long it took me to sweat out last night's alcohol.

Apparently I need to build up a better tolerance -- we are off to the parade right now and I will work on my alcohol tolerance today :)

6 Mile Run @ 00:57:21
148a, 187m

It was an honest recovery week with a good ride on Saturday.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

We had a beautiful ride from Enumclaw to Chinook Pass. It was sunny, warm and beautiful. It is so interesting how different Ruth and I are -- she always takes off too fast (for me) and I always end a bit fast (for her). When we started the real climb to Chinook, it was quite warm and I freaked out a bit because of the heat and really struggled.

Then Ruth dropped me and when she stopped at 123 and 410, I was quite cranky and feeling as though I might die from dehydration on the ride. Ruth pointed out that my water and gatorade bottles were actually half full but I returned that I was SAVING them for the final throes of the death march and was quite dramatic about the whole thing.

Then she said the magic words "we could turn around -- we did accomplish our mission". That got a very quick and indignant "no" from me and we went up easily to the top where there was snow, and it was much cooler...She had been feeling not so great at the beginning but once she hit some elevation with full sun, she was feeling fabulous. I, on the other hand was feeling good until the full sun and elevation :(

On the way home, she had a brilliant idea. We went into the Safeway we had parked at and got wet wipes, recovery drinks, a sandwich and deodorant. Then we proceeded to "shower" in the car and went straight to The Rose for the Beer Garden and catch up with everyone at Pride weekend. She said that if we came home to shower, it would be all over and we would not go out -- she was right and we had a fun time despite being as sticky as fly paper -- the 4 beers helped.

90 Miles @ 06:09:00
I forgot my HR strap...

Friday, June 23, 2006

It sure was a beautiful morning for a swim and we swam a bit further this time. Of course, our Friday open water swims are just a vehicle to the real joy -- coffee at Essential Bakery with the crew. Jeff joined us today for the first time and seemed to enjoy the entire experience.

2200 Open Water Swim @ 00:45:00

I managed to finally make it back to the weight room after a few weeks off. I was not as weak as I thought I would be and even took the opportunity to increase some of my weights. However, my Biceps turned into little macaroni noodles during my rest...

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
3 x 15 Crunch on Machine @ 25 lb
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (3 front, 2 side)

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 10 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 12 @ 90 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 10 @ 90 machine

Concentration Curl 1 x 10, 1 x 8 @ 20 dumbbells
2 x 10 Curl @ 30 barbell

2 x 12 triceps kickback @ 12 dumbbell
2 x 12 Assisted Dip @ 110

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Had a last minute meeting cancellation so I was able to get in run during lunch. It felt good and I worked to keep my turnover quick and light. HR was quite high but I was comfortable -- although working. I think it was the heat that drove it up.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:51:16
151a, 193m

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Had a really nice commute in on the Hindenburg. I sure do love that bike! When I was on Mercer Island, I heard a scuffling to my right and then felt something brush my feet -- and felt a simultaneous thump thump. I looked back and a squirrel had run under my bike but I did not squish it as I saw it continue to run (although its tail looked a little dented) across the road.

I hope it is all right. I would have felt terrible :(

17 Mile Ride @ 01:15:00
123a, 158m

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This morning, I entered chilly Lake Washington rather reluctantly with some other swimmers on my team. But I had a nice solo swim. I was planning to just swim a shorter distance and get out early, but I was feeling good and it was a beautiful morning so I did the usual distance to the tennis court fence.

1.5 ish Mile Open Water Swim @ 00:45:00

Did not manage to get in a weight training session today but I did ride to our session with our financing guy in Wedgwood to sign the next 30 years away...

14 Mile Ride @ 00:56:34
122a, 160m

Monday, June 19, 2006

Our New Home

The perfect ending to yesterday's race was a call from High Heermans, our amazing and wonderful realtor who phoned to let us know that we beat 5 other offers and got the condo we wanted -- at our price, with the space we needed -- in the neighborhood (Maple Leaf) we currently live in and love! We swung by his office on our way back from Victoria and signed the first round of papers.

whoop whoop!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I raced the New Balance Half Ironman today as a zen experiment. No HR monitor -- no watch. I was going to race it completely by feel and have fun. Julie raced a half iron that way (lost her watch in the swim) and qualified for Hawaii so I figured that I might be able to have some similar success...not exactly....

I am disappointed in my results -- I felt good throughout the entire race and was certain that my bike was much better than it was. The bike did not kick my ass like it had last year and I felt strong throughout -- even was having fun during it. But I was not in my aerobars much (had just put them on earlier in the week) and that may have made the 7 minute difference in my bike leg.

Here is my race report -- I will post pictures later today as they are right now in Ruth's camera. Until I saw my results, I was quite happy with my race and had a good time without getting my ass kicked. I guess I could have had a bit more of an ass kicking...

I registered the day before and got my bike checked out. We were planning to ride a bit but it started to rain as we were standing in line and we retreated back to the hotel room. When the sun came back out, we took our bikes for a leisurely amble along the Goose Trail and then went out for a nice dinner.

Woke up before the 4:30 AM alarm went off and got a sweet parking spot. Racked my bike in a good spot and got chipped and body marked in plenty of time.

The swim went well -- all the women started together and I focused on sighting. I swam the last half off it with someone whose pace was comparable to mine and came out of the swim feeling good.

Nice fast transition. Nothing got tangled in my bike and it felt smooth.

I just really enjoyed the bike ride. I was a bit more social than I usually am and chatted with a guy near the beginning about his awesome spiderman jersey. I got dropped by the men over and over and then more and more women. There were a couple of times when I accelerated to drop some women who I had to leapfrog with. Of course the converse happened too :)

What I liked best about the bike was that I did not feel any sense of despair at any point. Last year when I raced it, I just dreaded some of the hills (we do the same loop 3 times) and every time I hit them this year, I just thought "bring it" and my legs never felt tired or weak. Only got one "good job" from some idiot dude at the end.

At the end of the bike was when people really started to accelerate. Jeff, I thought about what you said about "smelling the barn" as all these guys zoomed by me the last mile and giggled.

I thought this transition went smoothly too but it was markedly slower than last year. The only thing I can think is that I put on my race belt in transition instead of while running out. I did put on my hat while running out though...

While I was on my bike, I kept telling myself, "soon, I get to run around that beautiful lake -- twice!". I started the run feeling really good and looking forward to it. The first few km, I tried to keep pace with a woman who was running strong but I finally forced myself to drop back because I could not get my breathing in check. I also did not race with my usual hydration pack -- instead opted to use their stops and that worked well. At km 5, I noticed that there was a nice downhill and I told myself that the next time I see that marking, I would only have 5km to go AND it was a downhill gift.

Near the end of my first loop, I felt this hand on my left butt cheek. Now we are not talking a pat here -- we are talking a pat, grab, squeeze repeat combination. I was startled and wondered what Ruth was doing. With the hand still firmly attached to my unpleasantly sweaty backside, the guy who did it came along beside me and said -- while removing his hand "oops, you are not who I thought you were..." I replied, "no, I certainly am not". He then said, "oh well, guess the boost did not hurt" and he was right. So apparently I am not only a body double for someone but also an ass double. It cracked me up and was a nice distraction.

Coming through the first loop, Ruth yelled ":54 -- negative split it". Now that was my goal but the idea seemed quite preposterous at the moment. A guy I was leapfrogging with heard her and said "easy for her to say" and we laughed about it. But I really did try to negative split it but was unsuccessful. At the very end, a chick surged ahead of me with that evil R (for relay) on her barely sweaty calf. I developed a true dislike for those well rested Relay participants during the run.

So I finished feeling like I raced well and strong. I wish I had raced faster but as my coach reminded me, it was not a priority race and I have been focusing on distance, not half ironman speed. I am working to get over my disappointment about my bike and overall time.

There are lots of pictures of me actually smiling -- something I did not do last year :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tapering SUCKS. I just sat on my ASS all day eating WAY too much food today. Thank goodness I had a long strenuous day moving my index finger in a 1.5 inch perimeter on my touchpad as that most certainly justified the ENTIRE box of Annie's Mac and Cheese I inhaled...bleah.

Last night, I actually slept well for the first time and opted to skip swim practice and sleep in since I was actually in a sleeping groove...

After Ruth got home from HER solo century ride, I rode with her to the Capital Hill because she had an appointment there. I rode from there to Seward Park and got in my aerobars for the first time this season.

17 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:17:00
117a, 163m

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tapering rocks! I did a short interval run workout today 4 x 1/4 miles around the Greenlake Track.

4.5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:44:11

WU @ 18:29
155a, 194m

Interval 1 @ 01:40
153a, 167m

Interval 2 @ 01:41
155a, 169m

Interval 3 @ 01:35
158a, 178m

Interval 4 @ 01:36
155a, 175m

CD @ 13:24
142a, 175m, 150e

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today was another busy day. We started out the morning with a lake swim and I then worked from home to be available for the 2:00 inspection. Unfortunately, the inspector told us that the siding is Louisiana Pacific -- subject to many off we go on the roller coaster again...

1.5 Mile Open Water Swim @ 00:45:00

I had a good grounding talk with my coach today and got back some badly needed focus. Did a tempo ride on the rollers this evening and felt so strong throughout. I averaged 18.5 mph during the tempo portion.

Tempo Ride @ 00:45:00

10 Minute WU
109a, 121m

30 Minute Tempo Pace
139a, 148m, 148e

5 Minute CD
123a, 148m

Monday, June 12, 2006

Didn't sleep well on Sunday night and took it easy during swim practice.

2250 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

The afternoon got a bit crazy. I left early to look at a condo that just came up for sale in our neighborhood (gasp and even affordable) and after we toured it, went for a run down and around Greenlake. Right after my run, we were at our realtor's until 9:3o writing up an offer. I did not have a HR monitor so I do not have that information.

6 Mile Run @ 00:54:00

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I have a 13 mile run on my training schedule but frankly, I just do not want to do it today. I am feeling stressed and burned out between work projects, house hunting and life in general...

But the sun is coming out so maybe I will rally...or not...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Today we rode from Eatonville to Paradise to get in an 80+ long ride that included a mountain pass. I was super nervous going into it because I was concerned that I would not be able to make it but Ruth's enthusiasm carried me through -- and up. Frankly I kicked that mountain's ass!

Once we got to the top though, it started to rain and we had a wet, cold and very miserable descent. By the time we hit Longmire, Ruth had a meltdown because she could not get warm. With dry socks, and bit of a rest, we finished the ride and the sun even came out for us. It was a very very long day...
89 Mile Ride @ 06:20:00

Friday, June 09, 2006

We were supposed to swim open water this morning but the bad water report combined with rumors of a sewage leak sent us directly to the pool where we had a good workout.

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Commuted to work and back on the Hindenburg. Rode over Juanita in the AM. Ruth scooped me in the CD after work because we looked at a (crappy) condo there...

35 Mile Bike Commute @ 2:30:00
117a, 154m

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ran the Mercer Slough this morning. Picked up the pace a bit and finished strong.

5.5 Mile Run @ 0:52:39
147a, 166m

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today's swim workout was Ruth's favorite. 10 x 200. Long and boring...but good for us, I know.

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:50:00

Then rode the Hindenburg to work -- and have been slammed here ever since. If I can get out at a reasonable hour, we have a hill repeat workout planned.

12 Mile Bike to Work @ 00:43:00
129a, 161m

Ended up having to work late so I only got in one hill repeat up Madrona.
17 Mile Bike From Work @ 01:10:00
123a, 225m

Monday, June 05, 2006

Got in the average yardage in swim practice and then weight trained after work.

Swim Practice 2500 @ 00:55:00

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
3 x 15 Crunch on Machine @ 25 lb
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (3 front, 2 side)

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 16 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 15 @ 20 dumbbells
Curl @ 25 barbell

2 x 12 triceps kickback
2 x 12 Assisted Dip @ 110

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ruth's parents were here for the weekend again before returning to Georgia and she raced the Issaquah Triathlon on Saturday (6th out of 60+ in her division, top 10% overall...whoop whoop). We had a good time with them at the race and then spent the afternoon looking at a couple of houses so I ended up taking yesterday as a rest day.

This morning I got in a 12 mile run around Lake Union and then 1.5 times around the outside gravel area of Greenlake. I felt quite strong and kept an overall 9:30 pace.

Hopefully next week I will get back on track with my workouts. No more visitors for a while.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Got in a swim/run bike this morning starting with the first (short) open water swim of the season at Madison Beach. From there, I hopped on the Hindenburg and biked to work.

1/4 Mile Swim @ 00:15:00
13-14 Mile Bike @ 01:00:00

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Swimming does not seem to be in the stars for me today...Ruth woke me up at 5:42 and we realized I had set the alarm for 5:30 PM, not AM. So we rushed to swim practice and made it on time -- WITH my bag this time.

Got in a good distance workout even though I had to split the lane with someone because David was being a butt princess...

2650 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Busy day but managed to squeeze in a spin class. The instructor (Gina -- noting the name so I know what I am getting into should I have to take that class again) started late and was rather un-inspirational . Who teaches spin instructors that yelling "come on" over and over again is an acceptable motivational technique?

So I continued working through her CD to get in a full 45 minute workout on the bike.

12 Mile Bike @ 00:45:00
138a, 154m