Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I didn't swim this morning and threw an extra hour of sleep at my cold. It helped. Jon was super kind to us during Core Class and we did a combination of core work and stretching. Near the end of class, I sighed in frustration about always being on the short bus during Yoga and stretching. She kept me after class for a little extra stretching remediation and promised me I would be on the long bus in 2009. I am disappointed that I did not hit my goal of touching my toes by 2009 but I am proud of completing my first Ultra-Marathon in 2008.

Core and Stretch @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Got in good 8 hours last night but still could have slept much longer after the alarm went off :(

Yoga Class was good -- but I really noticed the difference from missing just one week!

Yoga @ 01:15:00

I hab a stoopid cole...but went running anyway... Got in an aerobic run doing my regular 4 mile loop.

4 Mile Run @ 00:36:45

Monday, December 29, 2008

I had a terrible sleeping night. Took quite a while to fall asleep and then had some of the freakiest dreams. Need to remember the 7th path after the traffic circle - but on the trails, being in that family's house in Korea (circular bed) and the old man. Guess my brain is starting to process my trip early.

I did think that rolling over and going back to sleep after my alarm went off was a terrific idea but Wally disagreed and gently woke me up again and sent me swimming. I got there 5 minutes late but was very glad I went. Led another set of 6 x 100's on the 1:45 (ouch ouch).

2450 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

I dashed to the bus stop afterwards to make it to core class only to stand there for the longest time waiting for the 77, that never came. I learned a bit too late that it was not running because of Metro's holiday schedule. I did hope on the 73 and completely missed core class :( Bummer bummer bummer!!! And Jon was even back - I saw her truck as I went straight to work.

Did get in a lift after work though and got in some core too.

Core @ 00:10:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I set the intention of adding 5 miles to last week's long distance ride on the rollers. I lucked out again with a movie on TV and again stood during all the commerials. Not easy but I was able to get my speed up to 15.6 mph although I usually averaged 14 when standing and 16 when sitting.

25 Mile Roller Ride @ 01:42:00

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I was up a bit too late last night reading and almost fell back asleep after my alarm went off. Fortunately, Wally woke me up again and convinced me to get my butt to swimming. I was glad I did. Got a nice aerobic workout in and even had to work a bit leading a 6 x 100 set on the 1:45 (ouch).

3550 Swim Practice @ 01:20:00

Got in a second workout at the posh Pro Club today. Did some core and then a 6 mile run on the treadmill. It was a bit hard because I picked a challenging elevation route and my lungs were not exactly thrilled with me...

Core @ 00:15:00
6 Mile Treadmill Run @ 01:56:15

Friday, December 26, 2008

My health took a nose dive again today and after standing outside for almost an hour for a bus that never showed, I signed in to do a bit of work and then crashed for a couple of hours before driving into work for the afternoon.

I finally hit 24 in the evening and got in a quick treadmill run and upper body weight set.

3.2 Mile Run @ 00:30:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Had a great Christmas Holiday. I talked with my mom earlier in the day and when we were catching up, I reminded her that I had completed my 50 mile race. However, the only thing that made her say she was proud of me was when I told her I was actually going to attempt to cook Christmas dinner for some friends including my first turkey :).

I do have to say I am pretty proud of that too as the dinner was a culinary success (thank you Real Simple magazine) and the company was just perfect.

Did get in an hour spin and watched an episode of Law and Order. I kept it aerobic BUT made myself stand through all commercials -- that is HARD to do but I think it is making me super strong!

14.5 Mile Roller Spin @ 01:00:00

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ended up working remotely and pretty much feeling like crap. Took a long nap during the day and braved the snow a bit in the evening. Didn't get a single workout in though :(

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

After re-thinking driving to the gym, I took the bus and got there in time to just miss the first 15 minutes of Yoga class. Unfortunately, I did not get the e-mail Tija sent out the day before letting everyone know it was cancelled :(

I quickly dressed and headed into work before leaving again around noon for their annual holiday spin class (1.5 hours!). Unfortunately, I am fighting a cold and even my dose of cold medicine did not stop my quads from feeling like lead before it was over but I made it through -- and felt like a little puddle when it was done.

Spin Class @ 01:30:00

Monday, December 22, 2008

Set the alarm for 6 AM and called Seattle Fitness to see if Core Class was still on. Tija answered and said Jon could not make it down the hill but everything was open so I could come on down and get in a workout.

After a very long bus wait, I managed to hit downtown @ 7:30 AM and picked up a latte for Tija on my way in. Got in a run on the treadmill and finally headed into the office that feels like a complete ghost town...

6.4 Mile Run @ 01:00:00

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This has got to be one of my very favorite Sundays this year :) I slept in until 8:30 AM and got lots and lots of cuddling from Wally as I slowly woke up. I decided that this was going to be my first real "Latte Sunday" and would get myself one from Cloud City across the street. But even they took the morning off and I saw many disappointed bundled up people wander up and then leave without a coffee in hand.

I was fortunate enough to just have to walk across my living room into the kitchen in my pajamas and make my own. After a bit of cleaning, I hopped on the rollers and got to watch a fun action movie on TV and the snow fall as I really mastered standing -- enough to go over 12 mph for half a mile!

20 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:23:40

I walked to 24 to get in a quick lift before they closed. It is so beautiful out!!!

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Saturday, December 20, 2008

This morning, I FINALLY made it to the pool for swim practice with GLAD and managed to make it through the entire workout (well almost...we ran out of time). I swam with a really nice guy, although I did nickname him slowskie during the practice but it did give me a lot of the rest and that was not such a bad thing for my first time in the water in a couple of months...

3300 Swim Practice @ 01:30:00

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jon couldn't make it down the hill for Core but Tija was kind enough to put together a quick mini-core workout for Sandy and me. We chatted, did some core, chatted, stretched, repeat :) That ended up being it for the day.

Core @ 00:15:00

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I set the alarm for 5 and hopped on the rollers to get in an hour spin before my day started. It felt so hard to go above 12 mph and I wondered how I could have gotten out of shape so quickly. It actually turned out that my tires were out of shape and once I pumped them to the recommended pressure, I was fine although I had lost a lot of enthusiasm for the ride itself by then.

10 Mile Roller Ride @ 00:45:00

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

After waiting at the bus stop for 30 minutes for a bus that did not show, I decided to "dial it in" and work from home today.

I worked a bit and waited for the light before bundling up and going out for my first run. I made it across the street before turning around deciding that I did not want to risk a wipe out on the ice. Later in the day, I got in a treadmill run at 24 and did a pre-programmed aerobic workout that included some varying elevation.

6 Mile Treadmill Run @ 00:57:30

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yoga was good today -- the instructor said that she saw the progress I was making :)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yesterday was cookie making day at Katie's and I ended up replenishing any calorie deficit from last week's race in cookie calories....

This morning, I lifted and and went to core class. I plan to try out the 5:15 spin class today at Seattle Fitness. Tija (my favorite) is not teaching but I am curious to see how Dave is as an instructor.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Dave was not the best instructor (the toe rings were an indication that perhaps hard cycling was not his priority) but it is a good opportunity to push myself individually.

Spin Class @ 00:55:00

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This morning, I decided to get in a ride outside before the winter storm everyone has been talking about would hit. I got out a bit late and the weather started to turn for the colder when I began.

I parked at Leschi and headed to Seward Park hoping to warm up my legs slowly. Then I went around the bottom of the lake with the thought that I might turn around for an out and back, or go around. I ended up doing a the bottom loop of the lake and came across Mercer Island (the short way). I felt fairly strong the whole time but I was freezing at the end -- particularly my toes that went completely numb. Brrrrr!!!

It's crazy that I rode about half the distance I RAN last week.

26.5 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:53:00

Friday, December 12, 2008

Got in a lift and core class this morning.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Got on the rollers this morning and my butt could only handle 40 minutes :(

8ish Mile Ride @ 00:40:00

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Got in a lift and core class today. I also found out that I am not allowed to run this week (or preferably next...) That changes things...

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Went to yoga class this morning and got in a really great stretch. A perfect welcome back to my regular routine :)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Monday, December 08, 2008

12/6/08 North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Miles Race Report

3:00 AM

Of course, I did not sleep well but did manage to get some in before the alarm woke us all up. I immediately scooped some coffee into the press and emptied instant oatmeal packets into a mug before heading to the lobby to fill both with hot water. Dressing for a race is always such an odd moment because I am so dry and fresh at the moment but know that at the end of the day, my body and clothing will be completely wrung out in ways I cannot even imagine.

We drove to the shuttle drop off (thanks to Ruth, who is an AMAZING navigator pretty much anywhere she goes) and I got on one bus while Cheryl and Ruth got on the spectator one. We were dropped off in the pitch dark and filed into the start/finish line area.
After a quick race meeting, we were off at 5:00 AM. All 172 (38 women) of us in the pitch black with our headlamps as the only light. It was a very low key start with everyone jogging easily and chatting. We started to spread out pretty quickly and all I could see was the outline of the mountains, the stars overhead and little lights from the faster runners bobbing ahead to indicate the road ahead.

I did embrace this part of the run but wished after an hour for the sun to rise so I could see beyond the tiniest ring of light from my headlamp. During my first rest stop, I really was not hungry for anything but circled back to grab some food after remembering Cheryl's gentle supportive words "If you don't eat, I will shove it down your throat..." Continuing on, we were treated to some of the most stunning views and got to see and hear the waves crash as we ran along a technical rocky path on a steep sea cliff.

Cheryl and Ruth were waiting for me at the rest stop at mile 18 and I was sad to see that they were freezing after waiting for so long. For a moment, I felt guilty because it took me so long to get there but I knew I was keeping a reasonable pace and the elevation was already more difficult for me than I had imagined. I had 12 miles to go before coming back to that same rest stop at mile 30 when Cheryl would run with me, so I dropped off my long sleeve shirt and gloves as I headed out.

There I hit the most brutal descent and at one point, there was a LADDER. Apparently it is famous but it was not super easy on tired shaky legs. I took it backwards.
After descending into what seemed to be the bowels of the earth, we ascended for a very long time through a beautiful trail with switchbacks where I got to see the roots of trees, and then the tops of those trees and over and over again.

After a seemingly unending out and back (sensing a theme here?), I finally made it to the rest stop where I got to pick up Cheryl at Mile 30, who paced me for the next 14 miles. I also got to see Katie and how already wound up she was :) and knew I would need her energy for the last leg.

We set off descending right away and picked up another runner, Nikki who had gotten lost and fallen a couple of times and decided to stick with us for a while. Side note: My knees and quads are actually beginning to ache as I type this two days later! Cheryl kept us moving and eating and drinking and when it was flat, we got a nice pace going. During the second half of that leg, I started to get slower and slower as the hills continued and my right IT Band started to, what I can only describe as "seize up" creating a lot of pain in my right knee especially during descents. Cheryl kept going telling me stories about her endurance events (she is a very accomplished athlete who still holds unbeaten world records 20 some years later). I figured that if she could tough it out without many of the conveniences we enjoy, then I could suck it up for one day.

She really pulled me through the last part (through tears and all) and I am so grateful for her encouragement and techniques to help me manage the pain while moving forward although I got no energy whatsoever from that stupid bush we passed ;). Four and a half hours later, we finally finished our 14 miles together and made it to the aid station at mile 44.

She happily handed me over to Katie with instructions that I did not pay attention to as I tried to stall as much as I could by sampling anything I could at the aid station table. Katie finally dragged me away, and bounced up the hill like Tigger while I reluctantly followed. Her friend Hans, mentioned after that he knew there would be trouble when they saw Katie running up the hill and me, much further behind not walking at any great speed.

The sun was setting just as we started out and as the light disappeared as our contest of wills began. Me, wanting to walk, preferably stand still and whine. Katie, wanting to finish this 6 miles before the next day. She tried lots of motivational talk and ideas, and I rejected many of them straight out although after a while, I was just too tired to argue and just let my legs try to follow. The pain in my right leg got worse and a couple of times, I would just yelp with pain and could not move another inch. Until, of course I did move that painful inch and then another and then another.
There were a few times when she would say something like "at this marker, we are going to get moving" and I would respond incredulously "but I AM moving" and really was to the best of my ability.
My running pace at that point was equal to a brisk walk for her. Almost 2 hours later, we finally hit the finish line because of her persistence and I am so grateful for my amazing support staff, who surprised me with t-shirts and carried me through the entire race in one way or another. It takes a village to get me through 50 miles and 10,700 feet of elevation.

No, I do not plan to run 100 miles anytime soon but I will do another 50 miles, maybe one with a little less elevation...

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I finished within the cut-off time but only by 30 minutes. It was BRUTAL and I will blog more once I get home. But I am proud to be one of the 48 women who signed up (32 finished) to do the 50 miler of the 210 who signed up. I dealt with with some pretty bad pain in my right knee the second half of the race that had me limping (whining and crying) quite a bit but I had some pretty amazing support from my "crew".

50 Mile Run @ 13:30:00

Here is the elevation map of the course. I probably should have looked at it closer before signing up...

We drove into SF this morning to pick up the race packet and Cheryl, who came in on the Bart from the Oakland airport. The swag was pretty sweet -- a North Face technical t-shirt, hand held water bottle and a really nice cap that became my race day favorite item.

Unfortunately, there was not a lot of information on some of the logistics. For example, how to get to the start in the morning but I let Cheryl and Ruth figure that out. I was surprisingly calm that day, unlike other times I have been super escalated before a bit race.

We went out to dinner at the restaurant next store and Ruth's friends, Malia and Sandra (who live in SF) also joined us so it was great to see them and catch up a bit. I did cut out early to get to bed as close to 8:30 as possible to make the 3 AM wake up call a bit less brutal.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I had some serious packing anxiety last night (as in I never started because I was so anxious thinking about it) and decided to leave it until morning. I always have packing anxiety -- there is a theory floating around about how this stems from the packing/unpacking I did in an orphanage a very long time ago. Regardless of where it comes from, it is only aggravated by having to pack for the scariest race I have ever signed up for in my life.

Somehow I did manage to throw enough in a suitcase and make the connecting buses on time to get to the airport. I had a little snafu when I accidentally threw my keys into the garbage dumpster when throwing out Wally's litter :( but made it through. After flight delay after delay, we finally headed out and and I made it to SF, and the Marin Connector (with a big rainbow painted on the side that made me smile) to my hotel.

I went for a lovely little 3 mile run along a path that is right behind the hotel and very much enjoyed the sunshine and new scenery.

3 Mile Taper Run @ 00:30:00

Had a nice dinner at the restaurant next store and then Ruth, the first of my support posse got here around 9 PM. Cheryl comes in tomorrow afternoon and then Katie about halfway through my race.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I have pretty much hit my escalated peak and have a raging headache. Unfortunately, because I am in taper mode, I have NO outlet :( I leave tomorrow morning for SF and I sure hope they don't kick me off the plane for excessive crankiness.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I was bummed when I got to the gym and found out that the yoga instructor was sick and there would be no class. Put on my running shoes though and did my 3 mile taper run. I barely got even sweaty! I was disciplined and stretched for 30 minutes after.

3 Mile Run @ 00:30:00
Stretch @ 00:30:00

Monday, December 01, 2008

I am officially going crazy and my taper week only just started :(

Core Class @ 00:30:00