Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fabulous swim this morning! Sarah swam with us so she was a good (fast) carrot for me to try to keep up with.

2800 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Did an easy pyramid Interval run on the treadmill today. Dealing with a headache all day and wrestled with whether or not I even wanted to run. But guilt overcame inertia and I forced myself to go to the gym. Remembered the HR strap, forgot the watch :(

5 Mile Pyramid Interval Run @ 00:43:00
1 Mile WU @ 9:30 Pace

.25 mile @ 7:30 Pace
.25 Recovery @ 9:13 Pace

.5 mile @ 7:30 Pace
.25 Recovery @ 9:13 Pace

.75 mile @ 7:30 Pace
.25 Recovery @ 9:13 Pace

.5 mile @ 7:30 Pace
.25 Recovery @ 9:13 Pace

.25 mile @ 7:30 Pace
.75 Recovery and CD @ 9:30 Pace

Monday, February 27, 2006

Short aerobic run at lunch. Quads still sore from Saturday so the run did not feel easy despite my HR.

3.5 Miles @ 00:29:37

Did some crunches (slowly) on the ball after.

1x15 front, 1x15 each side, 1x15 front crunches on ball.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

We opted against Chilly Hilly today and instead went for a nice ride from Log Boom to Marymoore over to Bellevue and back up Juanita to Log Boom for a 30 mile ride. Ruth opted to ride home from there while I happily drove. My legs were feeling it on the trail from Marymoore to Bellevue but I felt strong and steady going up hill from Kirkland and Juanita.

Weights this afternoon after we recover a bit.

30 Mile Ride @ 02:00:00


Weights were HARD this afternoon. I did them correctly (slowly) and got my ass kicked.

Weight Training
1x 1 Min Plank with Rotation each side
3 x 1 Min PlankBack
2x15 @ 10 lb plate
2x15 Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x12, 1x10 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x10 @ 20 dumbbells

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Today's long run was fun because I got to run the 2nd half with Katie. I ran up 15th to 175th and down Meridian (where I ran into my coach who was running her 15) and met Katie at her house on 80th. She then took me for run through the zoo, to Ravenna and back go Greenlake where Ruth scooped us.

It was good and I felt indestructible -- then I came home and after Ruth made me a delicious lunch I crashed.

20 Mile Run @ 03:20:35

1st loop to Katie's House

157a, 211m, 141e

01:42:44 (much hillier)
138a, 192m, 143e

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My favorite spin instructor was not scheduled to teach today so I did my spin on the rollers in the AM and will get in my tempo this afternoon. I split the workout into two 15 minute sections at a harder gear that kept me at 70-75 RPM's.

13 Mile Spin (Rollers) @ 00:50:00

10 Min WU
113a, 124m

15 Min Hard
136a, 141m

5 Min Recovery
128a, 137m

15 Min Hard
139a, 145m

5 Min CD
128a, 142m


Busy day so took the one bit of time I had and put in a quick tempo run on the treadmill. Increased the tempo distance by .5 miles and decreased the warmup by the same.

6.25 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:55:00

.5 Mile WU @ 04:47
119a, 190m

5.5 Mile 8:20 Pace @ 45:50
157a, 190m, 162e

.25 Mile Walk CD @ 04:23
126a, 165m

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nice aerobic run this morning in believe and the Slough even though my HR did not agree. Exact distance is a guess but I figured I was running about a 9 pace.

6.75 Mile Aerobic Run @ 01:01:00


I have been cheating. I kind of knew it but I chose to ignore the signs. But today I am a reformed athlete and will no longer SPEED THROUGH MY WEIGHT TRAINING. From now on, I will lift slowly and breathe through the sets rather than rush. This renewed commitment to slowing down offered me the opportunity to learn in which areas I had been cheating myself the worst. The losers are bench press and biceps!

I had a very good workout though and my trembling muscles thank me.

Weight Training

1x15 front, 1x5 each side, 1x10 front Slanted Bench Sit Up
1x 1 Min Plank with Rotation each side
3 x 1 Min Plank
Back 3x15 @ 10 lb plate
3x15 Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x12, 1x10 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x10 @ 20 dumbbells

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Terrific swim this morning with Sarah and Gisela. Had a set of 10 x100's where we had to take the interval down by 5 seconds for every two. It was hard and we did not make the last 4 but we sure pushed it and got our yardage in. I feel much happier and rested.

Swim Practice 2800 @ 01:00:00


Did an Interval Run today at lunch on the treadmill. This time I did 3x1 Mile with .25 recovery instead of the .5 recovery I did the week prior. Not easy but interval runs never are :(

5.5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:51:05

1 Mile WU @ 09:32
129a, 138m

Interval 1 @ 0:7:32
160a, 167m

.25 recovery @ 03:24
133a, 168m

Interval 2 @ 07:31
163a, 170m

.25 recovery @ 03:47
132a, 170m

Interval 3 @ 07:32
165a, 184m

.25 recovery @04:34
129a, 171m

.75 Cool Down @ 07:10
147a, 151m

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Today was a nice 10 mile short long run. We did the usual and drove to Gasworks and ran around Lake Union. This time, we ran the other direction so I got an extra quarter mile or so in. I did fast mile middle mile on the trail and worked to keep a good pace up Stone Way and 5th. I remembered to wear my HR monitor but forgot my watch so I have no HR information on the run. Did some core after the run and then Ruth and I will get in weight training after her shift at the Bike Expo.

10+ Mile Run @ 01:40:00

2x 15 middle, 1x 15 each side crunch on ball
3x 1:00 min Plank on Ball
2x 1:00 Side Plank with Rotation

Got in a quick weight workout after the Expo where I got a very good deal on Craft running and cycling knickers. My bench press turned into a dumbell press because Poser McFee was hogging the bench press.

Weight Training

CORE (continued)
Back 3x15 @ 10 lb plate
3x15 Captain's Chair
3x15 Crunch Machine @ 20lb

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Dumbell Press 2x15 @ 60
Chest Flyes 1x15, 1x10 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x15 @ 20 dumbbells

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Brrrr! Today's temperatures sent me directly to the rollers for my bike ride. I had a tough time keeping up the speed and cadence and really feel out of cycling shape. That will change in the next few months.

Will lift tomorrow.

25 Mile Bike Ride (Rollers) @ 01:45:00

Friday, February 17, 2006

So after giving my coach a hard time yesterday because I did not want to switch to light workout days to recover -- I decided to sleep in this AM instead of go to swim practice. We took Janarah to a UW Huskies game last night and I did not get home until 10 after dropping her off. Then Ruth got up super early and I opted to sleep until 7.

I did my interval run today on the treadmill at lunch. Today's workout was 4 x .75 miles with .25 mile recovery.

Interval Run @ 00:46:22

1 Mile WU @ 09:06
126a, 140m

.75 @ 05:27
159a, 173m

Recovery .25 @ 03:12
131a, 166m

.75 @ 05:33
161a, 170m

Recovery .25 @ 03:17
136a, 168m

.75 @ 05:34
164a, 174m

Recovery .25 @ 03:45
133a, 179m

.75 @ 05:34
166a, 191m

Recovery .25 @ 04:51
125a, 172m

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sarah is back and it was so nice to draft her in our first of two 500's in practice. Still not feeling at the top of my game but made it through.

Swim Practice 2550 @ 00:55:00


Spin class was good today with Dina. I sure do sweat a lot and was drenched by the end. Meanwhile, my classmates looked as fresh at the end as when they started. I have very enthusiastic cooling glands I suppose.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
139a, 157m
Sarah is back and it was so nice to draft her in our first of two 500's in practice. Still not feeling at the top of my game but made it through.

Swim Practice 2550 @ 00:55:00


Spin class was good today with Dina. I sure do sweat a lot and was drenched by the end. Meanwhile, my classmates looked as fresh at the end as when they started. I have very enthusiastic cooling glands I suppose.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
139a, 167m

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Last night's Valentine Martinis did not help my training a bit today. Ruth and I ran around Lake Union at 6 AM and had a beautiful view of the city coming into light. Unfortunately, my legs had transformed the gin into lead overnight and the run -- despite the exceptional company was unpleasant. Plus my HR monitor had me at a really high HR throughout and I was not working that hard.

6.25 Mile Run @ 00:58:00

Weight training today was also difficult and my arms were noodles.

Weight Training

1x15 front, 1x8 each side, 1x8 front Slanted Bench Sit Up
1x 1 Min Plank with Rotation each side
3 x 1 Min Plank
Back 3x15 @ 10 lb plate
3x15 Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 2x15 @ 60
Chest Flyes 1x15, 1x10 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x15 @ 20 dumbbells

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I don't know why swimming was so hard this morning. It took at least half an hour for my body to start to feel warmed up -- and I had a full on rest day yesterday!

Swim Practice 2450 @ 00:55:00

My schedule is really packed today so I did a quick temp run on the treadmill. Every quarter mile, I varied the speed and/or incline to mix it up. Unfortunately, I did not have time to get in lower weights :(

6.25 Tempo Run @ 00:57:22

1 Mile WU @ 9:30

5 Mile Tempo @ 41:58 (ended up being an 8:23 Pace)
150a, 159m

.25 Mile CD

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I know I am going to get in trouble for this but I did my long run at a faster pace than I should. Ruth drove me to Marymoore and kicked me out -- I then ran to 70th where she picked me up 3 hours later. Diana kept me company on her new Seven for a few miles and it was nice to hear what is new with her.

I kept track of my pace using the mile markers until they ended at 17. 2 shy of my 19. I also ran the last three miles at race pace the last two miles approximate as I ran out of mile markers. Although my first three miles seem to be at a high HR, I really was going easy -- it took my monitor a bit of time to catch up.

Long 19 Mile Run @ 02:59:55

Mile 1 @ 08:59
155a, 189m

Mile 2 @ 08:56
163a, 186m

Mile 3 @ 08:50
140a, 179m

Mile 4 @ 11:17 (detour)
136a 161m

Mile 5 @ 09:02
136a, 140m

Mile 6 @ 08:47
133a, 154m

Mile 7 @ 08:54
135am 140m

Mile 8 @ 09:03

Mile 9 @ 09:09
137A, 143M

Mile 10 @ 08:54
137a, 151m

Mile 11 @ 09:20
139a, 192m

Mile 12 @ 09:05
135a, 148m

Mile 13 @ 09:24
138a, 143m

Mile 14 @ 09:26
138a, 146m

Mile 15 @ 09:36
138a, 146m

Mile 16 @ 09:51
138a, 146m

Mile 17 @ 08:15
152a, 160m

Miles 18-19 @ 17:18 (estimate using HR for gauge)
155a, 165m

CD @ 05:44
132a, 157m

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Had a terrific ride today with the Cat 4 women. There were only seven of us and we rode to Marymoore, around Sammamish to Bellevue and back to Seattle. Near the end they dropped me -- my legs kind of gave out and I know that was a combination of running this week and possibly nutrition as I did not eat anything until 40 miles in. So I spent a lot of time chasing them the last 15 miles or so.

When I put my bike back in my car, I accidentally hit my HR monitor and lost all my data :(

55 Mile Ride @ 03:19:00

Weight Training

1x15 front, 1x15 each side, 1x15 front Ball
1x15 Slanted Bench
Plank with Rotation each side 2x12
3 x 1 Min Plank
Back 3x15 @ 10 lb plate
3x15 Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 2x15 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x15 @ 20 dumbbells

Friday, February 10, 2006

Good to swim again :) In the beginning, the lane was crowded with 5 of us but we were down to 3 shortly into the workout.

I was not crazy about the sets and proposed that we turn the last set into a long pull. Duncan was more than happy to do so and did a 600 to my 500.

Swim Practice 2675@ 01:00:00

It was a beautiful day for a run! Made up a new route that wound through the Slough and got in about 6 miles.

6 Mile Aerobic Run @ 00:56:00

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Did my interval run today on the treadmill. Unfortunately, I forgot a pair of running socks and had to run in my dress socks and am now sporting the beginning of a blister.

I was so nervous going into this as I have not done intervals in a while -- at least 6 months. And 3x 1 mile seemed a tough way to start!

But I was fine. Put the treadmill at 1% like usual and did it at a 7:30 pace.

3x1 Mile Interval Run @ 00:50:00

1 Mile WU @ 9:00
155a, 188m

Interval 1 @ 07:30
187a, 203m

Recovery Walk/Run @ 05:53
137a, 197m

Interval 2 @ 7:30
191a, 201m

Recovery Walk/Run @ 06:16
140a, 189m

Interval 3 @ 07:30
192a, 199m

.25 Walk CD

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Spin class was tough on me this morning. Felt tired throughout and struggled the entire time. Fortunately, I had a baby cliff bar in my bag and ate bites of that while I started my core and upper weights. That seemed to help but I need to figure out my nutrition when I bike or run in the AM followed by weights or I will just fall over!

Spin Class @ 01:00:00

I had to work very hard mentally to get through the weights. I did break up my 15 reps into 5 each in my head to get through all of them. Tough day.

Weight Training


1x15 front, 1x6 each side, 1x6 front Slanted Bench Sit Up
2x15 Slanted Bench Leg Raise
3 x 1:00 Plank on ball
1 x 1:00 Plank with Rotation each side
2x12 Ab Crunch Machine @ 15 lb
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x12 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 1x15, 1x10 @ 20 dumbbells

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Uneventful swim this morning with Duncan and Gisela. Got in some good yardage despite the 4x200 IM set.

Swim Practice 2600 @ 01:00:00

Had a really good race pace run at lunch! Changed up my route a bit so I do not know my exact pace and increased the race pace portion by 1 mile as I am supposed to do. However, my HR averaged 157 for the 44:57 minute portion and if I was running a 9 minute mile, I was spot on for my 5 mile goal. But I know I was running faster than that :)

Race Pace Run @ 00:58:15

1+ Mile WU @ 00:11:48
145a, 182m

5+ mile race pace @ 00:44:56
157a. 176m

CD @ 00:01:29
139a, 162m

Monday, February 06, 2006

Made a 5AM decision to take today as the optional rest day it was and miss swimming. This optional swim/rest day on Monday is pretty tricky...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

This week's weigh in has me down again. Much better after last week's ballooning...

165 (-3.2 overall)

We managed to get in a ride this beautiful morning before the Super Bowl parties started. Had a terrific ride around the North End of the lake with a killer climb up 65th at the end.

42 Mile Bike Ride @ 03:10:00

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Today was a 10 mile run. Ruth took me on her favorite new route from Gas Works through Interlocken and then I ran home. I tried to do last mile fast mile but it was not terribly impressive as I was running uphill most of the time.

10+ Miles @ 01:42:30

End of run @ 00:13:20
155a, 177m

Then we went to the gym for a core and upper body workout.

Weight Training

Overhead Press 1x15, 1x10 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 8 dumbbells
Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x12 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x12 @ 20 dumbbells

3 x 1:00 Plank on ball
1 x 1:00 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair
2x12 Ab Crunch Machine @ 15 lb
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate
4x15 Crunch on Ball (front, each side, front)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Had a good swim this morning with Duncan and Peter despite not getting many breaks.

2650 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then I took the day off of work and training. It felt luxurious and wonderful and I did not do a damn thing!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Did an aerobic run with Ruth this morning down and around Greenlake -- and then back home. My HR monitor showed me at a much higher HR than I know I was (170+) so it is not accurate.

6 Mile Run @ 00:55:00


No Dina today and one of my least favorite instructors (would it kill her to give a cue) subbed for her :(

Anyway, after I adjusted my attitude a bit, I got in a good workout despite her. I just did my own thing (pretty much double the speed and resistance that she was giving) and kept my HR up.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
141a, 166m

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today's workout was tough. I got up early, went to the gym and did my core, then a tempo run and then upper weights.

3 x 1:00 Plank (balance on ball)
1x15 front, 2x8 side, 1x8 front Incline Sit Up
1x15, 2x12 side incline leg up
1 x 1:00 Plank with Rotation each side
1x10 Ab Crunch Machine @ 20 lb
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate

The tempo run kicked my ass as I decided to do a hilly route on the treadmill at an 8:27 pace. Halfway through, I was beginning to get woozy (at 4% incline) and re-set the terrain to my usual 1%.

Race Pace 5 Mile Run @ 00:50:00

1 Mile WU @ 9:39
127a, 144m

4 Mile Race Pace @ 00:34:00
156a, 173m

.25 Mile Walk

Then I was just terribly weak during weights and after a couple of sets, I took my reps down to 12 just to make it through.

Weight Training

Overhead Press 1x15, 1x10 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x12 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x12 @ 20 dumbbells