Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Did an indoor brick this morning. Spin class and then a 2 mile run on the treadmill. My legs are beginning to feel the last few days and I am glad to be off of them for the rest of the day.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
Main Set
143a 185m (I don't think I really hit that max -- interference with anothe HR monitor) 138e

Transition to Run @ 00:02:41

2 Mile Run @ 00:17:44
147a 154m 151e

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Good swim workout this morning. Emily made up a set of 50's that were pretty challenging. It was a ladder -- we had to do 2x50 in 2 minutes. No problem, right? Not exactly....

2x50 @ .45, 1.15
2x50 @ .50, 1.10
2x50 @ .55, 1.05
2x50 @ 1, 1
2x50 @ .55, 1.05
2x50 @ .50, 1.10
2x50 @ .45, 1.15

Then we did a 10 minute swim for distance. I did a 625. Then we had a short rest and had to do a 5 minute swim at a distance more than half of what we did our 10 minute swim on. I did a 350.

2600 Swim @ 01:00:00

My 12:00 meeting was cancelled today so I ran over to 24 to get in a treadmill tempo run.

WU .5 miles @ 09:00 Pace
Tempo 4 miles @ 08:00 Pace
156a 165m 165e
CD .25 mile Walk

Monday, August 29, 2005

Did a tempo bike after work on my rollers today. It was supposed to be a rest day but I do not think I am going to have the time to get in a ride tomorrow because we have plans after work.

@ 13 Mile Bike Ride @ 00:50:07

WU - 10 Minutes
99a 108m 101e
Tempo Set 35 Minutes @ 22 MPH
141a 153m 152e
CD - 5 Minutes
119a 152m 109e

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Did the Puget Sound Blood Center 2.25 mile swim this morning with Ruth and Gisela. The swim was rather easy because we had to stay in packs with the boat so I swam slower and rested more.

2.25 Mile Swim

Saturday, August 27, 2005

This is my recovery weekend and I sure need it. Woke up today with achey legs. Not sure why as I even skipped my bike interval workout on Tuesday. Had a 25 mile ride planned for today and it turned into 35 miles aerobic just because the route went longer than I thought.

Had to take my car into Costco on 4th Street to get my tire repaired. Took my bike with me and rode the South end of the lake after dropping my car off. Legs felt better than yesterday but are looking most forward to a couple of days off of them.

Tomorrow is the Puget Sound Blood Center Open Water Swim.

35 Miles @ 02:10:00
120a 155m

Friday, August 26, 2005

Slept in this morning it and felt wonderful! Flip flopped my swim and run to accomodate a 2.5 mile swim on Sunday Ruth and I plan to do. Worked from home today to be available to let the plumber and electrician in. Ran @ 6 miles from home at lunch from our house to around Greenlake and back up that most unpleasant hill home again.

6 Mile Run @ 00:56:00

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Had a butt-kicking in swim practice this morning. Emily had us do a workout that was a 4x (75, 100 and 125) all on the same interval. The idea was that the 125 was really pushing it and the 75 was then the recovery. I made each interval on the 1:50 -- and then she challenged me to do my last 125 on the 1:45. I was 2 seconds off with a 1:47 but felt really good.

Could not brick it because I had an 8:30AM London training so my bike will be after work.

Swim Practice 2750 @ 01:00:00

Rode around the South end of the lake after work. Just took it really slow and easy -- felt tired throughout.

Bike Ride 30 Miles @ 02:00:00

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Did one of the very best interval runs ever with Katie this morning. Katie strategized some ridiculous times for us (1:40, 3:25, 5:30 ending with a 1:40 quarter)-- which I just happily did not really pay attention to before so I did not know how much of a butt kicking was in store for me.

Ruth and I did our usual jog to the track from the pool parking lot. Then Katie and I did 400, 800, 1200, 1200, 800, 200 -- descending the way down the ladder/pyramid.

WU @ 18:30
131a 1440m 108e
Interval 1 - .25 @ 00:01:41.9
142a 162m 162e
Interval 2 - .5 @ 00:03:26:6
157a 169m 168e
Interval 3 - .75 @ 00:05:24:9
159a 168m 167e
Interval 4 - .75 @ 00:05:15:1
159a 172m 171e
Interval 5 - .5 @ 00:03:24:6
159a 174m 173e
Interval 6 - .25 @ 00:01:35.1
151a 168m 167e

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Terrific swim workout his morning! I swam with Sarah and she kept us right on pace. The best part of the swim was the set of 2x(3x100's) she had us do on a 2:00 interval so we got plenty of rest -- but had to push it.

I did the first set on 1:27-1:28 and hit the second set on 1:25's. We usually do these on the 1:35-1:40 interval so I was psyched! Working on extending my arms and not breathing right off the wall.

Swim Practice 2750 @ 01:00:00

Planned to do a ride after work with Ruth but I just did not feel up to it -- been sneezing a lot and feeling a bit burned out. So I curled up on the couch with the new Harry Potter book while Ruth went on her ride solo. Of course that was the evening for her to have flatted twice and our phone carrier to mysteriously not accept any incoming calls from her. Fortunately, Katie came to her rescue and brought her home.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Woke up at 4:30 this morning so we could be at Sayer Park in time to park before the roads closed for our volunteer shift at the Danskin Triathlon. Ruth volunteered at midnight hour registration, and I was a swim angel for the third year in a row. As always, had a blast and loved every minute of it.

Then I strapped on my running shoes, water bottle holder and ran the 11ish miles home from there. I am grateful to be done working out for the week and look very forward to a well earned rest day tomorrow.

11 Mile Long Run
134a 152m

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Instead of swimming the Emerald City Swim, Ruth talked me into swimming across Greenlake with her early in the morning and saving $35 dollars :)

Then she went off to volunteer at the Danskin Expo for the day and I took off on my bike for a hilly Cascade bike ride around North Seattle. The bike ride was really challenging for me -- brisk pace and we covered 45 miles. I rode 12 miles to meet them at Log Boom (Cheryl, I saw you running but not fast enough to yell), rode the ride with them and then to SandPoint where I drove Ruth's car home. Thank goodness because I was in no shape to ride any more hills.

63 Mile Bike Ride

Friday, August 19, 2005

It's been a long I hit the alarm at 5:00 and skipped our open water swim -- and we slept in until almost 7:00.

Went for my usual aerobic run at lunch today.

6 Mile Aerobic Run @ 00:52:45
144a 163m

Planning to do the Emerald City Open Water Swim tomorrow morning at Seward Park and then hopping on my bike to do my planned 50 mile mile ride.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

This morning's swim was good. Emily had us work on breathing, IM strokes and kicking.

2500 Yard Swim @ 01:00:00

Went for a spin around Mercer Island today. Did E and W Mercer Way tempo pace.

WU 00:24:41
127a 160m 150e
Tempo 00:33:04
149a 160m 132e
CD 00:15:31
132a 162m 96e

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Got up early this morning to do my bicycle interval workout on the rollers. My bike's rear tire had a flat so I changed the tube and checked the tire for damage. I found nothing so I replaced the tube and started to roll. Within 15 minutes, the tire was flat again.

Took it to Gregg's and got it fixed after a couple of tries so I was able to get my workout in after work. Had a tough time hitting the lap timer while on the rollers so the intervals are not exact but I did improve my speed with each one.

As I write this, my legs are a little tired -- surprising because I really did not feel like this workout was this hard. It almost felt silly because I do interval runs like this workout and it felt like I was not working hard/long enough.

12.5 Mile Interval Bicycle @ 00:40:00
WU 5 Miles @ 18:92
110a 122m 115e
Interval 1 - 1 Mile @ 00:02:18
138a 153m 153e
.25 Mile Recovery @ 00:01:11
133a 153m 118e
Interval 2 - 1 Mile @ 00:02:11
144a 158m 158e
.25 Mile Recovery @ 00:01:38
130a 158m 112e
Interval 3 - 1 Mile @ 00:02:11
145a 161m 161e
.25 Mile Recovery @ 00:01:24
133a 153m 118e
Interval 4 - 1 Mile @ 00:02:08
147a 162m 162e
.25 Mile Recovery @ 00:01:25
137a 162m 117e
Interval 5 - 1 Mile @ 00:02:12
148a 164m 164e
CD @ 00:01:11
129a 164m 110e

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Had a hard time this morning getting into swim practice. But Emily gave me the suggestion of remembering to extend further in my stroke -- and told us all that we needed to take a stroke after our flip turn before we breathe for optimal speed. So I focused on that today.

2600 yard Swim @ 01:00:00

Did my 4 mile tempo run this afternoon and it did kick my butt. But I suppose in a good way...

WU 1 Mile @ 09:19
132a 146m 142e

Main Set 4 Miles @ 32:00 (8 Minute Pace)
163a 170m 170e

CD .25 Miles @ 04:23 Walk
132a 170m 118e

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Went for a terrific ride today! Ruth planned a route from Marymoore up and around Tiger Mountain and back. It was 43 miles and had some really good climbing in it. Unfortunately, about 30 miles into it, I bonked. Had not eaten anything nor hydrated and the temperature on my bike computer read 98 degrees. It was hot and I do not do well in the heat.

43 Mile Bike Ride @ 02:45:00

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Long run today - from my house and did a double Greenlake and back.

9 Miles @ 01:25:00
143a 159m

Friday, August 12, 2005

This morning's swim kicked my butt! The water was quite choppy on the way to Mercer Island and I was the last person coming in (of those who swam all the way across and back). Stacy was kind enough to kayak next to me on my way back -- as well as point me to the other side of the bridge where the water was much smoother and I could actually focus on my stroke -- not trying to not swallow the lake...

Fortunately, I have NOTHING else planned today as I am pooped.

3+ Mile Swim @ 01:50:00

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Slept poorly last night (good thing Ruth is coming home tomorrow night...) so I re-set my alarm when it went off and slept through swim practice. Not too bad a decision with my swim team's annual 3 mile open water swim across Lake Washington and back ahead of me tomorrow morning :)

Biked around Mercer Island at lunch today. Hit the wrong button on my HR monitor and lost my information but the tempo portion of my bike was 149 average HR. I kept the gearing and cadence up and I felt quite strong throughout.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Did an aerobic run today instead of the planned interval/tempo run because of yesterday's workout.

5 Mile Run @ 00:45:00
144a 158m

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Another fine ass-kicking from Sarah in the pool today.

Swim Practice -- 2500 @ 01:00:00

Met the Luna Chix group after work at Beaver Lake to do a mini-tri practice on the Beaver Lake Triathlon Course. I ended up doing racing the entire distance: 1/4 mile swim, 13.8 mile bike and 4.3 mile run at a race pace for the swim and run, and mostly race pace for the bike when traffic did not get in the way. I forgot to pack my HR monitor so I have no idea of my HR throughout. Good hill climb on the bike portion (whew) and I felt very strong on the run so it was good to feel good again.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Did the Tour De Peaks ride today. Nice ride with beautiful scenery and little traffic.

62 Miles @ 04:00:00

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Did a tempo-ish ride around Lake Sammamish today.

24 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:20:00

Friday, August 05, 2005

Beautiful swim this morning in the lake with the gang.

Lake Swim 1.2 Miles @ 00:45:00

Did an aerobic run at lunch today. Felt sluggish but I bet that was because of the heat.

6 Miles @ 00:53:00
141a 160m

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Charlie coached our swim practice today. Middle distance freestyle. In part of the main set, we were supposed to do 6x200 with the slowest person in the lane getting 5-10 seconds rest. I swam alone but pretended that I was leading a slower person in the lane so I took 15 seconds rest to let them catch up. Consistently held 3:15 so my interval was 3:30.

Swim Practice 2700 @ 01:00:00

Went for a very short bike ride after work today

Bike Ride 13 Miles @ 01:00:00

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Did an Interval Run this AM at the Greenlake Track with Ruth. Ran 8 quarter miles and walked/jogged 1/8 of a mile inbetween.

5 Mile Interval Workout
WU @ 00:16:13
154a 131e
Interval 1 @ 01:39:2
155a 169m 169e
Interval 2 @ 01:40:7
152a 170m 170e
Interval 3 @ 01:39:5
154a 171m 171e
Interval 4 @ 01:38:8
156a 172m 172e
Interval 5 @ 01:39:6
152a 171m 171e
Interval 6 @ 01:40:6
154a 172m 172e
Interval 7 @ 01:39:3
157a 173m 173e
Interval 8 @ 01:38:6
155a 173m 173e

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Took the entire day off and did nothing. Nada.

Monday, August 01, 2005

We ran the Mercer Slough this AM. Even though I had a very light training weekend, my legs were quite tired and Ruth dropped me on one of the hills.

Run 6+ Miles @ 00:56:51
133a 158m

EZ ride from Bellevue to the the UW area for dinner with friends. Not feeling too spunky.

Bike 15 miles @ 01:00:00