Sunday, December 31, 2006

Talked Ruth into going for a short aerobic run around Greenlake this morning sans HR monitor. It felt good -- for the first time since the race to end a run wanting more :) Did some planking after...

3.2 Mile Run @ 00:28:00

4 x 1 min. Plank


We got on our bikes and went out for the last ride of the season...of course this was our first ride of the winter quarter...but it is good to end well :) Rode from home to Seward Park and back. While the ride felt good, it was pretty quickly apparent that we are not in cycling shape.

26 Mile Ride @ 01:56:00

Saturday, December 30, 2006

We woke up at 4:15 AM (EST) to catch our flight back to Seattle. After unpacking and seeing that our favorite Christmas Elf had picked up after us while we were gone (wow -- thanks Jeff!), we headed to the pool for a swim. Unfortunately, the hot water was not working -- again and we had a chilly quick rinse off after -- and had a cloud of chlorine surrounding us the rest of the day.

Looking forward to catching up with our friends Monday during our "Iron-Inspired" New Year's Day brunch where we (Ruth) will serve non-race foods and view an inspirational DVD about Ironman Athletes that Ruth bought a few months ago and has been wanting to watch for a long time.

2200 Swim @ 00:50:00

Friday, December 29, 2006

Ruth and I went for a long run today on St. Simons Island. It felt good -- a bit warm and humid but we got to end up on the beach :)

13 Miles @ 02:10:00

2 x 1 Min. Plank

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Went to the Health Club this morning and took the strength conditioning class followed by a yoga/stretching class. We plan to return for the afternoon Spin Class after we go to see "The Queen".

Weight Class @ 00:30:00

Yoga/Stretch @ 00:45:00
Was a less than mediocre spin but fortunately, it matched my energy level...

Spin Class @ 00:45:00

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Today, we went on a really fun tour of Sapelo Island. When we got back, we took a nap (Ruth had us both up late last night because she was sick) and then I went for a run at 5:00 and managed to get back just as it was turning pitch dark.

7 Mile Run @ 01:10:00

3 x 1:00 Plank

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Went to spin class this morning (marginal instructor) and followed it with a half hour weight-lifting class with Ruth's mom.

Spin Class @ 00:45:00

Weight Lifting Class @ 00:30:00

Monday, December 25, 2006

This morning, we went for a run on Daytona Beach. Unfortunately, the tide was in and it was quite windy. Ruth decided to run on the sidewalk (ick, depressing) and I struggled for a bit longer on the beach before heading up to the sidewalk myself.

I was definitely not feeling like I was having a good time and I decided to turn Christmas into an active rest day and walked for a bit. When Ruth caught up with me on her way back, I was still walking but ran the last mile with her.

5 Mile Run/Walk @ 01:00:00

Then I got in some good core while teaching my mom what a plank is...

4 x 1:00 Plank
3 x 12 Lower Ab (with ball)
3 x 15 Crunch on Ball

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Got in a nice run to and along the beach and met up with Ruth (who was taking a rest day) and her mom taking a walk.

Then we drove to Ormand Beach to spend Christmas Eve and morning with my parents.

4 Mile Run @ 00:40:00

Managed to get in some hours this week despite the travel schedule.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ruth and I went for our long (12 mile) run today on the Island. It rained hard last night and this morning was very warm and muggy. Our pace was much slower than our HR said it should have been. We ended on the beach where we waded into the nice cool ocean up to our waists -- heaven!

Then when we walked back home, her mom happened to drive by and scooped us in her fun little white convertible Cabriolet!

12 Mile Run @ 02:02:00

Friday, December 22, 2006

Had a good spin this morning at 8:30 AM (5:30 AM PST) -- at the local Health Club on St. Simons Island where Ruth's folks live -- and where they STILL do not offer "couple" guest memberships to domestic partners. Yes, I asked.

Followed that with some weightlifting.

Spin Class @ 00:45:00

2 x 12 Back on crazy hard machine
3 x 12 Lower Ab with Ball

3 x 12 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Triceps Push Down @ 40 Machine
3 x 12 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Did a nice double-Greenlake loop while Ruth did some very fast intervals :) My first loop was hard but my second was much better. Also got in some core (missed yesterday's Daily Core...)

6 Mile Run @ 00:56:23
141a, 168m

3 x 1 Min. Plank
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front and side)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Did the following tempo ride on the rollers today.

Tempo Bike Workout @ 01:15:00

10 Min. WU
20 Min. Hard
5 Min. Recovery
20 Min. Hard
5 Min. Recovery
10 Min. Hard
5 Min. CD

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Got in a nice aerobic run at lunch today followed by some daily core. Still recovering...

6.5 Mile Run @ 00:58:16
134a, 156m

4 x 1 min Plank

Monday, December 18, 2006

Got in a good spin workout this morning with April. She focused right away on resistance and it took me a few minutes to wake up. I then threw in a little core and some upper body weights after -- my first time back to the weight room in a few weeks...

Spin Class @ 00:55:08
132a, 154m

Weight Training

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight

3 x 12 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Triceps Push Down @ 40 Machine
3 x 12 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Went for a run around Greenlake after work. Got a stitch in my side and ended up walking a bit of it.

3 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Today ended up being a full on rest day and we got to spend the afternoon with Janarah making and decorating cookies.

I decided to do at least one core exercise a day so I did at least get that one thing in...

3 x 10 Lower Abs (lift ball above head and back)

It sure has been a light week! Well, may as well enjoy it while I can.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

This morning, I decided that I was officially recovered and would do a long run of at least 12 miles. I managed to convince Katie to join me and ran to her house and then down and around Lake Union. At the top of Stone Way, I bonked. Everything hurt and I had nothing left -- muscles or cardio. Katie reminded me that when we run together after a race, I will usually run 6 miles and then comment that I am not as recovered as I thought I at least I was consistent.

Katie was nice enough to stay with me and we walked to Pete's coffee where Ted met us initially and then Ruth scooped me.

12+ Mile Run @ 01:55:20

5 x 1:00 Plank
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (Side and Front)

Friday, December 15, 2006

We were one of the lucky ones with electricity this morning -- and despite a leaning power pole outside of Seattle University, we were allowed in to swim.

I was able to get in a decent workout before they kicked us out of the building (in order to repair the power line) and that was my only workout of the day. Definitely feeling tired and like I may be fighting off the very beginning of a cold...

Swim Practice 1750 @ 00:45:00

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Went for a run around Greenlake this morning with Ruth who said I was going too fast because the Garmin she was borrwing showed us at an 8:30 clip. While this felt hard, when I tried to slow down, it was harder on my quads so I kept the rotation going. Because I am in recovery mode, I did not wear my HR monitor and ran free.

3.1 Mile Run @ 00:27:00

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This morning, Ruth got up and braved the winds at Greenlake for a short run. My dreams of running were dashed when I set my feet on the ground -- and learned that my quads were still not entirely happy with me. I got on the rollers instead for a quick and easy roll, and then did some core.

Bike Roll @ 00:30:00

3 x 1 minute Plank
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front and side)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Went to swim practice today and limped through it. I am still super sore and pushing off the wall makes my quads very unhappy -- so I would just kind of drift into the wall and then bump off it. On top of that, my shoulder continues to give me trouble so Ruth said it best when she said that I was swimming on three flat tires :)

I got out early and sat in the sauna trying to get some relief for my muscles.

Swim Practice 1000 @ 00:30:00

Monday, December 11, 2006

I am VERY sore today and my activity today will be to get on the plane back to Seattle. The Arizona Daily Star had a story about the marathon and neither of the winners were terribly happy with their times. Glad to learn that I was not the only one feeling the effects of the wind too.

The saddest news is that a participant died 1/4 mile from the finish line -- a man who was in terrific shape and was on track to qualify for Boston. How tragic.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

2006 Tucson Marathon Race Report


I qualified for Boston with a finish time of 3:42:42 and kept an 8:30 pace (results here). Ruth also nailed it but I will let her offer the details.

The Details:
We woke up at 3:50 AM (10 minutes earlier because Ruth woke up early), had a cup of coffee and bagel to go. She dropped me off at my shuttle bus location and she went on to hers for the Half Marathon. We were driven off into the desert and I got to stay on the coach bus very comfortable and cozy until the 7:30 AM start.

I stayed pretty calm pre-race and even slept on the bus. At the start, I shed my long-sleeve layer and didn't worry about positioning myself anywhere near the front of the start because it was chip timed.

The first few miles were rolling and my first split was slower than I wanted -- I made up for it (see splits below) and felt good and loose in the beginning. I needed reel myself in a bit after doing a couple of sub-8 minute splits because I thought to myself -- Cheryl is going to kick my ass if I do not get my pace back to the 8:30 we agreed to.

It was a good run -- beautiful and just the right temperature. I worked to consistently get in my nutrition even when I didn't want to eat. I did struggle a bit mile 14 - 17 because even though it may have been flat, it seemed uphill for me. That was also when the headwinds picked up a bit and I managed to position myself behind a pack and draft for a couple miles who were going at a pace a bit faster than the one I was supposed to do but it did not feel hard because of the wind shield.

I started to hurt -- not unexpectedly at mile 20ish and then I had to dig a bit deep mentally. But I reminded myself that I was still feeling good and maintaining my pace (even though I did really have to pick it up a bit when I saw the mile marker in the distance to hit my time).

Near the last few miles, I knew I was right on time and did not have to kill myself to finish in goal time. So I didn't. I even took some water at the rest stations to offer myself an opportunity to walk for a moment or two.

The best thing about the finish were the drums near the end -- very motivational! I finished with a big smile on my face and limped around a bit. Okay, a lot.

I learned:

  • Kept my pace MY PACE and used Ruth's mantra "My race, my pace"
  • The power of positive thinking. I did let a couple of thoughts of being a failure at my races the last couple of years creep in and shot them out immediately. I kept telling myself "I will qualify" rather than "I wish I could qualify".
  • Control my own nutrition by bringing my own.
Here are my splits:

Mile 1 @ 08:49
180a, 230m

Mile 2 @ 07:39
147a, 178m

Mile 3 @ 08:08
150a, 156m

Mile 4 -5 @ 15:48
148a, 156m

Mile 6 @ 08:14
148a, 153m

Mile 7 @ 08:23
147a, 150m

Mile 8 @ 08:37
147a, 154m

Mile 9 @ 09:27
150a, 163m

Mile 10 @ 08:31
150a, 154m

Mile 11 @ 08:30
153a, 157m

Mile 12 @ 08:17
154a, 161m

Mile 13 @ 08:33
156a, 168m

Mile 14 @ 08:26
155a, 158m

Mile 15 @ 08:47
158a, 160m

Mile 16 @ 08:33
159a, 161m

Mile 17 @ 08:34
160a, 163m

Mile 18 @ 08:30
159a, 160m

Mile 19 @ 08:39
159a, 163m

Mile 20 @ 08:35
161a, 165m

Mile 21 @ 08:26
161a, 163m

Mile 22 @ 08:32
161a, 164m

Mile 23 @ 08:30
160a, 164m

Mile 24 @ 08:40
158a, 161m

Mile 25 @ 09:17
159a, 162m

Mile 26 @ 09:52
162a, 165m

Mile 26.2 @ 01:16
167a, 179m

Saturday, December 09, 2006

2006 Tucson Marathon Race Plan

I finally have a few minutes to put my long over-due race plan into words. It helped to chat a bit with a volunteer who had done the race before and could tell us exactly what to look out for.

Race Eve
Tonight is an easy night with dinner in. Will stretch a bit and continue to massage my shins to keep them loose for tomorrow. I will also continue to hydrate as we have been doing all day today. I will put out my race clothes, pin my number to my shirt, attach my chip and mark my bag to hold the clothes that will keep me warm until the start.

Race Morning
4AM wake up. We will make coffee here and eat the bagels we bought today before heading out to the where the buses will take us to the start line between 5 and 6. I will body-glide EVERYTHING I can reach :)

I have a 7:30 and Ruth has a 7:00 start time. We get to stay on the buses until the start and I will do so and keep as warm and calm as possible before the start. By 7:00, I will shed my extra clothing and get in line for one last potty stop. When I start to stress, I will remind myself that I have accomplished this once and I am now stronger and smarter (well, at least I know more than I did in 2005) and very well trained for it. I hit all my workouts spot on despite some rather uncomfortable climate situations and am ready.

The Race
I will plan to keep an 8:30 pace -- no slower than 8:40 and no faster than 8:20 throughout the race and try to negative split my pace by up to 5 seconds the second half. I will monitor my splits on my HR monitor watch.

Miles 1-5
This will be rolling and will be a terrific warm-up. I will not let myself run for more than 3 miles without starting to hydrate and eat. On odd miles, I will drink my energy drink and on even miles, I will eat a block and drink some water.

My shins will probably complain as they have in the past when I have trained downhill and I will remind myself that once they warm-up, the pain will go away.

Miles 6-17
This will be down-hill and once I cross mile 6, I will mentally high-5 myself for making it through my warm-up without blowing out too fast and keeping my pace at 8:30. I will also know that after this, I have 20 miles to go and I am entering it feeling more fresh than I have for my training runs and certainly better weather! I will keep the pace at 8:30 and once I cross the halfway point, I will let myself try to take about 3 seconds off my pace. I will keep my turn-over fast and remember to lean slightly forward.

Mile 17
After all the down-hill, this flat stretch will feel like up hill. I will lengthen my stride and offer my quads a break. I will also use this time to stretch my arms and shake them out.

Mile 18-23
Another down-hill stretch and back to the quick turn-over and leaning forward even though I might be tempted to turn on the breaks.

Mile 23-25.5
Steep downhill initially and I will consciously take baby-steps to keep from blowing out my quads. Then a flat section where I will lengthen my stride and do my last miles fast miles -- and everything else mentally I can throw at it.

Mile 25.5 to end
I will let myself relax during the up-hill I experience there and know that there is a really fast last 200 yards waiting for me at the finish line.

Here I will let Ruth boss me around (a rare occurrence) and walk, eat and drink....
I just got back from the best swim in a very long time. We slept in, got some coffee and had a relaxing breakfast and then headed to the Expo to pick up our race packets. We managed to score a couple of deals and then headed back so I could do some work I had not been able to get to with our crazy week.

Then to the pool -- a wonderful outdoor facility with the friendliest staff and prices ($1.50 drop in). I did some pulling, kicking and easy intervals. It was wonderful to just feel all the tension of the past week slide away a bit. I may have kicked a bit more than I should have but the therapy of the swim was the best thing ever.

Ruth is headed now to the grocery store to get ingredients for *Vegas Spaghetti while I try to finish up my work so we can have a nice early dinner and relaxing evening in together.

2300 Swim @ 00:45:00

* Vegas Spaghetti is what Ruth made in 2005 the night before the Vegas Marathon in our hotel suite. It was nothing fancy but had ground turkey and lots of veggies -- and it fueled me to qualify for Boston the next day. We plan a repeat.

Friday, December 08, 2006

We got up at 4AM and had a fairly uneventful flight this morning (aside from having all my toiletries confiscated at the check-in point...). I was feeling pretty stressed, escalated and sleep deprived and dropped many f-bombs between Seattle and Tucson over tiny silly things. But we made it into Tucson and Ruth did not dump me at the airport...

I was planning to swim with Ruth in the afternoon but ended up taking a nap and slept for 3-4 hours. Then we went out to dinner with our friends. It was wonderful to catch up with them and hear about Jill's first event mountain biking event for her new company -- .

So today was a complete day of sloth for me except for making participant certificates for Sol Journey's mountain biking training.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mocha had a really tough day yesterday and I decided to work from home to stay with her. Ended up getting in a run in the late afternoon but 30 minutes she was alone between the time I left and Ruth came home was too much for Mocha to handle and she began to break out of her second crate (the one we bought after she escaped from the first and demolished our Condo)

After a long talk with the most wonderful Melinda (our dog-sitter who also happens to be a Vet Tech), we made the heart-breaking decision to take Mocha back to the shelter. She just has a severe case of Separation Anxiety and despite all the money and time we have already poured into her, she needs more than we can offer. We e-mailed the shelter and hope Melinda agreed to take her there if they will take her this weekend.

Our flight leaves tomorrow morning and Melinda agreed to stay tonight so she will be here at 4AM when we leave to be sure Mocha does wake up our entire building when we leave.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Got in a 3 mile run with Mocha in the morning with some short sprints before heading to Redmond for an all day conference at Microsoft.

3 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The last 5 days have been a bit crazy because of our newest family member -- Mocha... It is a good thing I am in my taper week because training has been a distant second priority recently.

Did get in a swim this morning while Ruth had Mocha duty. Of course my shoulder continues to hurt (I did my exercises yesterday) but I was happy to move my body differently.

2200 Swim Practice @00:55:00

Monday, December 04, 2006

Had Mocha duty this morning while Ruth went to Swim team and after a quick walk with her, I got on the rollers for a quick spin. I am definitely feeling out of cycling shape!

13 Mile Roller Workout @ 00:50:00

I was not able to get in my weight training workout but I did take Mocha for an easy run around the inner loop of Greenlake.

2.8 Mile Run @ 00:25:00

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Today was my last long run day (yippie!) until the marathon. I did my loop from home across I5 up Meridian to 175th and back on 15th. I worked on my rotation and speed on the downhills and felt good despite feeling a bit tired from all the stress of our new family member :) I also did a fast 10 minutes in the middle and a fast 10 minutes at the end.

10+ Mile Run @ 01:45:00

My total training time was down sharply but I am supposed to be tapering...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ended up taking the day as a rest (but not restful) day....

Friday, December 01, 2006

Did a double Greenlake outer loop while Ruth walked Mocha around the inner. Kept it aerobic and felt good.

6+ Mile Run @ 01:00:00