I took advantage of a free injury screening at my gym tonight to get my left foot looked at because it has been giving me trouble.
After some poking, prodding and twisting, he said "I don't know what is wrong". I asked him again because there was something he did that was quite painful. He said that he had done it again and it was not painful so it did not make sense but he did think it was tibial tendonitis and gave me some stretching/strength exercises I can do. He also told me to ice after running. I am just thrilled it is not a stress fracture!
During my upper weights section, I kept eyeing the class in session because there was a substitute for Jon in it. It looked to me like they were resting too much and when I combined that information with the fact that she did not even start the core class until almost 10 minutes late, I decided instead to do core on my own.
It turned out to not necessarily be the best decision because I caught up with some of the class participants and found out that she really gave them a good workout. Good to know for the future.
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00Core @ 00:20:00Then I had to talk myself into getting out for my 8 mile, 7 at a tempo pace run. 8 miles, no problem but when the "t" word is included, I have to grab myself by the scruff of the neck, march myself to the gym, into my running clothes and out the door. Because I do not know mileage, I just went by time and figured that I would get in 60 minutes at a tempo pace with the assumption that I was running an 8:30 mile. I think I was running a bit faster than that pace, but 60 minutes hard is a good workout regardless. I ran along the trail almost to the Magnolia Bridge before turning around. I had a 5 minute WU and then ended up turning around a minute and 20 seconds early because there was a natural break in the path with the intent to make up that time on the way back. The tempo portion ended only a block away from my finish so even with the extra 1:20, it was still a negative split. I think it was not quite 8 miles so I am estimating the distance.
My HR monitor read me high the entire time (178-190) until near the end where it read 150-154 and that was right on with my perceived exertion and breathing. It was a beautiful day and I am glad I got out despite the enormous amount of inertia and internal whining I had to overcome...
7.75 Mile Run @ 01:07:007 Mile Tempo Pace @ 01:00:00
169a, 195m