Thursday, August 31, 2006
17.5 Mile Ride @ 01:00:00
Then I went to Pilates Class during lunch to give it a try but the instructor never showed. So I did a quick 3 mile run on the treadmill and a bit of core.
3 Mile Run @ 00:30:00
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back @ 10 lb weight
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
20 Minute Open Water Swim
Right away, Ruth headed to the gym to get in a lift and I went to Greenlake for a short run. As I was coming out of our building, I saw Chris and rolled down the window to say hello. She was carrying something and flipped it around so I could see it. It was a huge sign that read "Ironman Seujan" and was signed by Cheryl and many others. She was going to put it in the window of the Cloud City Coffee shop across the street so I would see it. It was SO SWEET and I now have it in our home.
My run was good but I am definitely not fully recovered and it was hard to complete it at a reasonable pace.
3.2 Mile Run @ 00:30:00
We went out for Sushi and I told Ruth about the revelation I had regarding Ironman. I have been preparing for this race for 5 years and I have always thought of it as a destination and was not sure what would be on the other side. On the way to Canada, I told Ruth that I may cross the finish line and decide that was enough and that I wanted to start a family. Or that I no longer wanted to race Triathlons anymore as I had achieved my goal. What I learned though was that this 5 year journey to the door at the top of the mountain and beyond that door is another path -- my life. And this is my life, my lifestyle is doing this triathlon thing. I am immersed and really like doing it.
Apparently so do Ruth's parents as they called to say they wanted to come back in 2007 and watch us both race :)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Someone told me this weekend that there is a lesson in every training session and race. In a 15 hour race, there were many...
We woke up at 3:30 AM so Ruth could report to duty as a volunteer athlete body marker and wetsuit stripper. I went to the downtown Starbucks and ordered a triple shot soy latte, a "to go" cup of hot water and sat there for a bit drinking my coffee. Then I went to the car, tuned into one of the few radio stations available and ate my instant oatmeal. By that point, my tummy was churning and I could not choke down a banana or any water.
I then dropped off my special needs bags* and checked on my Swim-to-Run Bag** and Bike-to-Run Bag*** .
Special Needs Bag Content*
BIKE - beef jerkey with liqui-gel Advils, cookie, chocolate, spare tube, single-serving butt-butter and a package of cliff block shots.
RUN -- extra moleskin, liqui-gel Advil and cliff block shots.
Swim to Run Bag**
Helmet, shoes, martini socks, butt-butter, bandana, gloves, PB&J sandwich.
Bike-to-Run Bag Content***
Sneakers, socks, running shorts, body-glide and cliff block shots with caffeine.
I put on my wetsuit and got some last encouragement from Ruth before entering the beach.
This was my first mass start with over 2000 athletes entering the water at once to swim. The pro athletes started at 6:45 and the rest of us at 7:00. I got to chat with Susan for a few minutes and then the cannon went off. I kept thinking "I am racing an Ironman -- I am really here."
Because I was still nursing a sore shoulder, I kept the pace easy and focused on rolling my body over my stroke. I was bumped, kicked and pushed throughout but that goes with the territory. Near the end, I was able to kick it up a notch or two and finished strong and quite excited about being there. I managed to stumble into Ruth's wetsuit stripping station and and even though she was busy with someone else, she saw me and told me "great swim split!" and off I went to the changing tent. The volunteers were terrific and helped me empty my bag, get what I needed and then put my stuff in the bag for me as I went to my bike.
Lesson Learned:
- Negative split half the swim, not just the last bit.
I left the transition area with an encouraging yell from Stacy (who lost her voice that morning) and because I was concerned about blowing out too early on the bike, I kept the pace moderate and tried not to get too caught up as everyone kept passing me. I kept thinking as they zoomed by "took you THIS long to catch me" to amuse (and console) myself. I drank my water and Nuun and regularly popped cliff shot blocks. I felt really strong and comfortable the first half of the bike and got to see Sarah, Julie, Duncan and Cheryl about 30 miles into the ride. It was wonderful to feel so supported and cheered for. After RAMROD, Richter Pass was not difficult at all -- I even had to ask a spectator if this was it.
I knew that after Richter, there were seven difficult rollers (AKA Richtor and the 7 bitches) and I felt good and strong riding all of them. My nutrition was still on track, I was drinking water, Nuun and eating the blocks and most of my PB&J sandwich.
Then came the most difficult part of the ride (even though the special needs bag was at the turn around point) -- the 18 mile out and back at about mile 70. This was hilly, windy and de-moralizing. My back was beginning to really ache and I did not know exactly how long it would take me. It seemed as though I was the last person to come through the bike as I saw so many heading out as I was heading in.
It took them a bit to find my special needs bag and the cookie and now melted chocolate was not at all appetizing. I really was after the Advil I had stored with the Beef Jerkey but had not thought about how the hot sun would melt the liquid tabs. Because I was in pain, I slurped them off the beef jerkey anyway and instantly felt my mouth go numb :) . I then applied extra butt butter and headed back.
I was not sure if Beef Jerkey was the best idea but I figured I had 2-3 hours left on the bike and it was the only thing that tasted good. Every once in a while I got a bike of it with some melted Advil on it and my tongue would go numb again. I ate two more cliff blocks in addition to it.
One of the bigger hills had a lot of water bottles by the side of the road. I assumed that a bike aid station was right ahead so I poured the water on me and then threw out the rest in the bottle out to be be ready to get a fresh bottle. Unfortunately, there was no aid station and I climbed and rode for quite a bit in the hot sun without any water and very little nuun.
Yellow Lake was the last climb and I did find that to be quite challenging. I was DONE with being on the bike and while the climb itself was not too hard, I was hot, sore and tired. Then came the best downhill EVER and I got to see Erika and Rolf cheering for me near one of the last descents of the route.
Coming into town, I was cheered on by Sarah, Julie, Duncan and Cheryl and it was so nice to see them. I yelled that I needed big band-aids for my bat-wings because I had rub marks under my arms from the swim and I knew it was going to be much more painful during the run.
Lessons Learned:
- Much more training time in Aero-Bars.
- Advil (solid, not liquid gels) in a separate container.
- Drink more water.
- Different nutrition for bike than run.
- Salty snack with carbs in special needs.
- Open zip lock bag containing PB&J BEFORE putting it in pocket.
I changed into my running shorts and borrowed a band-aid from someone in the transition area (and it promptly fell off). Got slathered with suntan lotion, applied vaseline to the batwings and then ran back to the changing tent because I had forgotten to put my bandana in my bag. I was fortunate enough to catch them before they stored the bag and off I headed. The male winners were coming in as I started my marathon. I felt strong in the beginning of the run and started right away with my run/walk plan. I made the decision to not take my usual hydration pack a few days before the race and relied instead on the aid stations.
Early into the run, I made my first big mistake. I had heard what a lifesaver the flat cola can be for an Ironman run and gulped a couple at aid stations 5-7 (I think). Unfortunately, they still had carbonation and I cannot burp so I ran with bubbles and felt increasingly bloated and nauseous. I tried to take the blocks but was not able to -- but I did eat a handful of grapes and was able to take in water.
By mile 10, I could no longer eat a thing and just craved and gulped water at every aid station. I did try a bit of chicken soup but even that made me feel nauseous. Actually, everything made me feel quite sick and I ended up walking most of it except when I tried to take advantage of downhills by running down them. At the turn-around point, I got my special needs bag and took the advil and moleskin from it and stuffed it in my pocket. I did not dare to try to take the Advil the way my stomach was feeling and continued back.
At this point, every time I tried to run, I would feel really sick, my HR would leap to 170+ and I could not catch my breath so I would walk. As I continued, I got this horrible pain in my back -- where my kidneys are and that pain constricted my breathing so I would slow to a walk.
By Mile 16, I knew I was in trouble and would not finish anywhere near my goal time of 14 hours but I refused to be one of the many who were carted off in ambulances. So I walked as fast as I could and every once in a while, would try to run. I just set my mind that I would NOT DNF and if I had to crawl across the finish line, so be it. As I walked, my head would start to droop and I forced myself to keep my chin up as I was not going to allow myself to get into a defeated position. About mile 20, I saw the gang again and asked for Cheryl and told her what was happening when I tried to run. She said that I had no electrolytes in me and that was why. She said I should continue to walk and if I could eat/drink anything then I could try to run.
When I got into town, I could not even drink water from the aid stations but at the one at mile 24, I asked if the cola was flat. I was told it was and I grabbed it and drank it because Cheryl told me that I could run if I could get anything besides water in me. I then started a lumbering run to the finish line where Ruth met me and ran with me for a minute. She told me how close I was but that I had to go down to a turn-around before coming back to the finish line. I wanted to make it under the 15 hour mark and forced myself to run through the all the pain to make it under that time.
When I crossed the finish line (at just under 15 hours), a volunteer stayed glued to my side and I was able to eat some water melon but still had trouble breathing with the pain in the sides of my back. When he finally released me, I said on the grass with Ruth and her friend Joel who had driven up to get in line to sign up for next year. Ruth made me eat a little bit but I had a tough time with that. When I went into the transition area to pick up my bike and stuff, I had a hiccup that seized up my body to the point where I doubled over from the pain in my back. Later, Cheryl told me that it was probably from my kidneys being affected by no electrolytes and the pain lasted for quite a few hours.
Lessons Learned:
- Run with my own hydration and nutrition pack. This has been what I have done for all my successful races.
- Have a mental game plan for the run when it starts to get dark and I feel defeated. I under-estimated the despair I would feel.
All in all, it was a wonderful experience and I experienced no hardship without support and encouragment. The volunteers were AMAZING, and the course STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL.
I signed up for next year. So did Ruth.
Biggest Lesson Learned:
NUTRITION both on and off the course. That will be my focus for the next few months and I will meet with a sports nutritionist who will help me with a plan to get off the extra weight and a strategy for race days.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
15+ Minute EZ Run
Ruth went to meet Julie, Stacy, Stacy's Husband and Duncan to ride the IronMan bike course and left her poor parents to babysit me.
We are going to head into town shortly so I can drop off my bike, attend the athlete's meeting and POSSIBLY take advantage of the early registration for 2007 that they are offering 2006 participants today...yikes!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Then we went into town to register and pick up my packet. Fortunately, the crowds were quite light as many of the almost 2500 athletes had not yet arrived. The process was quite dialed in and I was able to navigate pretty quickly through it. At one point, there was a dreaded weigh-in. So off I went to a platform with a couple of bathroom scales on it guarded by some sweet volunteers who marked down the weight. I hopped on and my "weigher" looked at the scale, looked at me and looked at the scale again. Then she asked me "is that right?" I said, "pretty much." She looked down again. "Are you sure?" I said "yup". "After another up and down, she finally said "Well, it looks good on you love."
:) That made my day.
Walked around the Athlete's Village a bit and did some shopping (picked up something for you -- Jeff) and then walked around town while Ruth got in a lift at the gym. After that, a very late lunch and I was glad to escape the increasing buzz of some very nervous and chatty athletes....
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I also had the BEST massage yesterday from Mish. WOW, she was so good and I liked her so much that I booked a massage for Ruth with her as a thank you and recovery from dealing with me doing my first Ironman :)
Did an aerobic spin on the rollers this morning -- kept it easy and light. Off to pack and head North. Ruth's parents headed up there yesterday and I saw a pile of direction signs near the front door. Turns out that they are planning to mark the route to the house we are staying in with them so we can find it easily :) They are the best!
13 Mile Bike @ 00:50:00
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
3 Mile Run @ 00:10:00
Then came home and did a bit of core. Have a massage scheduled for later to work on my shoulder and will drop my bike off at Pedal Dynamics for a race tune up.
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
10 Mile Run @ 01:30:20
I iced my shoulder this afternoon and tried to get into an appointment with Erik...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
So this morning, I decided to sleep in rather than trying to get in a workout. Then I spent the day with Janarah at Wild Waves.
I finished the day with an interval bike ride on the rollers. I did a 5 mile WU, then 12 x 1 mile with a quarter mile rest in-between. It felt quite good and I was happy I did it.
20 Mile Interval Bike @ 01:20:00
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tempo Run @ 01:00:00
WU @ 00:10
124a, 134m
Tempo (8:20 Pace) @ 00:45
152a, 186m
CD @ 00:05
130a, 167m
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I found a spin class near the Portland office and even though it was only a little over 6 miles away, it took me over 45 minutes to find it between traffic and getting slightly lost. So I got to spin class a bit late and that was fine as the music was terrible, too loud and the instructor was -- well, for lack of better words -- bitchy and unimaginative.
I bricked it with a 15 minute treadmill run as that was all I could stand.
Spin Class @ 00:36:35
125a, 146m
1.65 Mile Run @ 00:15:00
141a, 183m
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Finally, Ruth dumped me at Denny Blaine park and from there I ran to Seward Park, around it and then back to meet her at Madison Beach where she was happily recovering from yesterday's ride.
I did the 9 minute run, 1 minute walk thing and started a bit slowly as I was still digesting the leftover burrito I had for lunch...Perhaps not the best pre-run choice ever...
Ruth and I calculated this route and double-checked it using gmaps pedometer so I know it was 15 miles even though my foot pod only gave me credit for 12. So with my finish time, I maintained a 10 minute mile pace - whoop whoop!
Here is a little perspective...I remember the day I ran a 10 minute mile over 4 years ago and I was ecstatic. Now I kicked out a 15 mile run at that pace, WALKING a minute every mile the day AFTER a 104 mile bike ride. Pretty damn cool. Ruth remarked that my attitude post-melt down has gotten considerably better.
I just mentioned to Ruth that I think I may be a bit manic/depressive for the next couple of weeks and her reply was "you just noticed that now?!?". I guess this Ironman thing has been a bit hard on her...
15.1 Mile Run @ 02:31:9
137a, 212m
Just a few minutes shy of 16 hours this week. And I had two days off so it has been a long one again...

Saturday, August 12, 2006
It was a really good ride with beautiful weather and a fun new riding companion -- Tatyana who joined us at Leschi and is training for the Grand Columbian Ironman. Yikes!
Ruth DUSTED me on Tiger and I tried so hard to keep up but she shot ahead of me like she had a rocket under her seat. Later, she told me that she heard me breathing hard on her wheel and decided to claim her mountain. And she did -- my HR was 170 and I was seeing spots trying to keep up with her. Ruth also announced that SHE was looking forward to Ironman being over as it was killing her :o
I got a side stitch during the run and had to walk for a bit before I could run again.
104 Mile Bike @ 06:53:00
1.2 Mile Run @ 00:12:00
Friday, August 11, 2006
Then on the way back it was quite unhappy with me.
1.2 Open Water Swim @ 00:50:00
My lift was cut short by shoulder pain and I stopped after attempting flyes and bench presses -- both of which hurt quite a bit. At least I got some core in and was smart enough to stop....
Weight Training
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (side and front)
3 x 15 Back Extension @ 10 lb weight
3 x 10 Leg Lift on slanted bench
SHOULDERS (these did not hurt)
2 x 15 Shoulder Shrug @ 20 lb barbell
2 x 15 Bent Elbow Shoulder Side Raise @ 15 lb barbell
Thursday, August 10, 2006
3.2 Mile Run @ 00:28:02
181a, 192m
5 x 1 Minute Plank
I rode my bike to work after working from home in the AM -- and tried to take the bus across 520. Unfortunately, I have a lot to learn about riding the bus and ended up in Redmond -- and rode from there to work. Then I rode partway home to meet Ruth at Madrona for hill repeats. I just did one...
30ish Mile Bike @ 02:0:00
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Fortunately, we were able to connect using VC conference rooms but I felt terrible. I then ran around to get a small "I apologize for screwing up your day" gifts.
Instead, I am drowning my inadequacies in an extra-dirty martini and will not be running tonight....
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
So I swam with Gisela but kicked the sets with and without zoomers -- and got out early.
1300 Swim Practice @ 00:45:00
Then after work, I did my brick. An aerobic bike around Mercer Island followed by a short run (in my new sneakers thankyouverymuch).
The brick went well -- I did not push it hard and while I did not feel tired, I certainly did not feel like I wanted to go any faster.
19.5 Mile Bike @ 01:19:00
113a, 148m
2 minute transition
2.5+ Mile Run @ 27:50
133a, 156m
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I drove and parked near Super Jock and Jill. Ran around Greenlake and then down Stone Way. From there, I ran around Lake Union twice -- turning around at Stone Way and reversing the route to run it both directions. Of course, I forgot that the two bridges to be crossed would be up a lot because of the boat traffic. But missed it every time -- however, would have liked the excuse to rest at least one of the four times :P
I appear to have my confidence back and had a good strong run. I changed the lap settings to run 9 minutes, rest 1 (before I ran 10 and rested 1) and that was just perfect for me. When running up Stone Way, I did a reality check and was happy to learn that I felt really strong and could keep going if I had to! But I was grateful to end it when I did...
18+ Mile Run @ 03:07:00
The week started out difficult but ended strong -- because Cheryl got my head back into the right place :)

Saturday, August 05, 2006
She helped me realize that I was just scared -- and that was accurate because as soon as she said it, I burst into tears. I am feeling the pressure of so many people coming and this being such a long term goal (5 years in the making) that I was putting unreasonable pressure on myself. Anyway, it was good for me and a good reality check and after the (overdue) conversation, I am much better now :)
Ruth and I went for a no-pressure ride today with the goal of just getting my head back -- it could be 30-70 miles. I had 70 hilly miles on my plan and Cheryl cut it back. We set up the route so there were longer and shorter options. We parked at LogBoom and rode over Juanita and back for a nice warm-up. Then to Marymoore, around Lake Sammamish. Then to Bellevue, through Kirkland and over Juanita again back to the car. I felt strong and enjoyed the climbing and flats.
65 Mile Ride @ 04:10:00
122a, 163m
2500 elevation gain
Friday, August 04, 2006
1.2 Mile Swim @ 00:50:00
Then got in a weight session at lunch -- not feeling my strongest.
Weight Training
5 x 15 Plank (front and side)
2 x 15 Lower Ab Leg Up
Back Extensions 3 x 12 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Crunch Machine @ 25 lbs
Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder front raise 2 x 15 @ 8 dumbbells
Press 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells
Seated Row 1 x 12, 1 x 10 @ 90 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 12 @ 90 machine
2 x 12 Curl @ 30 barbell
Concentration Curl 2 x 10 @ 20 dumbbells
2 x 12 double tricep extension @ 25 dumbbell
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 110
Thursday, August 03, 2006
17 Mile Tempo Bike
10 Min WU
45 Min Tempo Pace
5 Min CD
Then went for an aerobic run down and around Greenlake. I am sore from yesterday's hill workout and had to push myself to keep the pace up.
5.5 Mile Run @ 52:32
133a, 155m
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
We slept in this morning and I decided to head across the bridge to beat the traffic for work and get in my hill workout at lunch.
I started the run with a tummy ache that I could not shake even when I slowed down to a barely moving jog. But once I started the intervals, all was good. I picked a hill that is a bit deceiving as you think you have crested it long before it is over.
5ish Mile Hill Repeat Run
WU @ 00:14:16
Interval 1 @ 02:01 (different distance than the rest)
135a, 154m
Interval 2 @ 01:41
146a, 186m
Interval 3 @ 01:46
168a, 181m
Interval 4 @ 01:45
178a, 187m
Interval 5 @ 01:43
176a, 183m
Interval 6 @ 01:42
166a, 189m
Interval 7 @ 01:42
182a, 185m
Interval 8 @ 01:46 (yikes, slowing down)
179a, 185m
Interval 9 @ 01:37
181a, 191m
Interval 10 @ 01:32 (whoop whoop)
183a, 190m
CD @ 00:10:21
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
2800 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00
Got in a lift at lunch today. My right shoulder is still bugging me a bit (pulling today did not help) so I kept my shoulder weights lighter and skipped planking.
Weight Training
3 x 12 Captain's Chair (switched to straight leg lift)
2 x 15 Lower Ab Leg Up
3 x 12 Back Extensions @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front and side)
Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder front raise 2 x 12 @ 10 dumbbells
Press 2 x 15 @ 70 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells
Seated Row 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 90 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 12 @ 90 machine
1 x 12, 1 x 10 Curl @ 30 barbell
Concentration Curl 2 x 12 @ 20 dumbbells
2 x 15 triceps kickback @ 15 dumbbell
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 110