Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I have been missing the pool dreadfully and went back today even though my shoulder is not completely healed...

Not the best day to go back, one of the pools was broken and we had to share with another swim team -- plus the temperature was awfully cold! But I had a good swim and was able to really focus on body roll.

2000 Swim Practice @ 00:45:00

I am proud to say that I NAILED my interval run today at the Greenlake Track during lunch time. I ran today with an ace bandage on my ankle because I rolled it yesterday while running. While that would not be a big deal, it registered with me that this was the third time recently that I had rolled my ankle -- but of course I could not remember if it was the left one every time. Anyway, it was a bit sore last night and this morning so I added the extra support before the run this morning just in case. It seemed to do the trick for today.

8 x 800 Interval Run @ 01:07:02
Attitude = 9 Performance = 10

WU @ 12:03
137a, 182m

Interval 1 @ 03:33
154a, 165m

Interval 2 @ 03:35
157a, 165m

Interval 3 @ 03:33
155a, 168m

Interval 4 @ 03:36
156a, 167m

Interval 5 @ 03:33
156a, 171m

Interval 6 @ 03:35
157a, 173m

Interval 7 @ 03:32
160a, 170m

Interval 8 @ 03:35
158a, 170m

CD @ 12:20
138a, 170m

Monday, October 30, 2006

Went for an aerobic run today after work around Lake Union. It was a nice run and I managed to get halfway around the lake before dark.

6 Mile Run @ 00:56:47
135a, 151m

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Today's long run was in the rain and I was miserable and cold. I just wanted it to be OVER and did not do a good job with nutrition (only drank a sip of water the entire time). I was glad that I only had to run 12 today and watched the clock my entire run. All I could do was think how soon I would be done.

I did the middle mile fast and tried to do the last fast but I could not get my HR or pace up. Probably because of my crappy attitude and not doing a good job with nutrition.

12 Mile Run @ 02:00:00
Attitude = 2 Perfomance = 5
I moved my spreadsheet to Google's online spreadsheets and put the link in the right nav. However, it can only be viewed by people with gmail accounts so here is a copy of my week below.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Today's interval run was HARD. Because it is so dark in the mornings, I decided to come into work early and do my interval run at lunch. I measured a stretch of road in the car that I usually run in Bellevue and figured out a half mile stretch.

The good news is that it was an excellent challenge.
The bad news is that it hurt. A lot. And one way had significantly more incline (and headwind) than the other. I whined a lot inside my head...

7.5 Mile Interval Run @ 01:08:00
Attitude = 8 Performance = 8

WU @ 11:13
133a, 125m

Interval 1 @ 03:41
154a, 168m

Interval 2 @ 03:36
154a, 167m

Interval 3 @ 03:38
158am 172m

Interval 4 @ 03:36
155a, 169m

Interval 5 @ 03:40
159a, 173m

Interval 6 @ 03:36
155a, 170m

Interval 7 @ 03:42
157a, 172m

CD @ 16:08
130a, 172m

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Did an easy 9.5 pace run today on the treadmill followed by my Weenie Weight session....

3 Mile Recovery Run @ 00:28:30

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight
5 x 15 Crunch (side and front)
3 x 12 Lower Abs on slant bench

3 x 12 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 10 Tricep Push Down @ 50 Machine
2 x 12, 1 x 10 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Monday, October 23, 2006

Legs are still a bit sore from Saturday's run so I decided to do an aerobic roll rather than go to spin class this morning. My tempo run is this afternoon and I plan to do the same route I did last week but take it to the next path turn-around.

17 Mile Ride @ 01:00:00
125a, 138m

Had a good tempo run today -- and executed it exactly as planned. I am just a little distracted with work stuff right now and that came through a bit in my head space on the run.

7 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:58:02
Attitude = 9 Performance = 10

WU @ 02:59
109a, 120m

Tempo @ 49:03
149a, 161m

CD @ 05:59
130a, 158m

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today was a wonderful beautiful relaxing REST DAY. Both Ruth and I took it off and enjoyed the beautiful fall day. We even figured out what other people do on weekends when we are out running/cycling -- they are at the Outlet Mall :)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I am going for my long (20 mile run) now.

  • I will keep my HR at 135 (have no way to gauge pace so using HR).
  • I will work on keeping my turnover light and quick on the downhills.
  • I will pick up my pace to a HR of 150+ at approximately mile 10 for 10 minutes.
  • I will do last 2 miles fast 2 miles at a 150+ HR.


Had a good run and setting and writing my intentions before going really helped. Especially because I was a bit over-served last night....

I ran from home down Stone Way to Gasworks to the Arboretum to and around Seward Park back to Leschi where I met Ruth who ran Leschi/Seward Park for her long run.

I kept my HR at 135 except for the two times I took it above 150. At the 1 hour 40 minute mark, I ran for 10 minutes at a 148a, 157m HR. At the 3 hour mark, I ran for 20 minutes at 152a, 177m HR.

20 Mile Run @ 03:21
139a, 191m
Attitude = 10 Performance = 10

Friday, October 20, 2006

Went for a run this morning -- tried the hotel treadmill at first and could not stand it. Then went outside without a route in mind and ended up running for a long time up a hill :)

40 Minute Aerobic Run

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Worked in Portland and drove down very early in the morning. Took it as a rest day.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Today's interval run started dark and tough and ended tough. I was running in the dark for the first two intervals and apparently that makes me much slower. Once I could see the track, my times improved but my legs felt consistently tired throughout.

Interval Run @ 00:58:15
Attitude = 7 Performance = 5

WU @ 13:55
119a, 130m

Interval 1 @ 03:52
146a, 152m

Interval 2 @ 03:47
147a, 158m

Interval 3 @ 03:41
149a, 161m

Interval 4 @ 03:37
152a, 167m

Interval 5 @ 03:32
156a, 169m

Interval 6 @ 03:35
156a, 167m

CD @ 12:07
134a, 167m

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I remained SLEEPY this morning despite commuting in on the Hindenburg. I did try to push myself a little more this morning but my legs are still quite tired from yesterday's hard run -- they felt heavy throughout the night last night too.

17 Mile Commute @ 01:20:00

Got in a quick Weenie Weight Workout at lunch.

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight
5 x 15 Crunch (side and front)

3 x 15 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Tricep Push Down @ 40 Machine
2 x 15, 1 x 12 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

My commute home was also hard -- I tried to find a shortcut and ended up riding a much longer route so I estimated the distance....

20 Mile Commute @ 001:40:00

Monday, October 16, 2006

I now own three pair of cycling shoes. Two with SPD cleats -- the kind one uses in spin class. So of course, I brought the only pair without those cleats to class this morning. I decided to do weights tomorrow and drove home quickly to get the right shoes for a good workout.

I then realized how relieved I was about that decision -- and learned that I really do not like to lift weights at 5:45 AM on Monday morning so I will probably not plan to do that again.

My HR monitor was acting up and I ended up flinging it to the floor 10 minutes into the workout. I was pretty sleepy this morning and had to force myself to work hard.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
Attitude = 5 Performance = 6

I did get in a little core though...

3 x 1 min Plank
3 x 15 Lower Ab

This afternoon was my tempo run. Now I LIKE to do my tempo runs on the treadmill -- even though it kicks my ass, I don't have to think but Cheryl is making me do them on the road to get used to running downhill.

So I plotted out a running route in Bellevue that started on a downhill and had as much gradual downhill as I could find. I only warmed up for less than 5 minutes before pushing my pace. During my run, there were two pace "bunnies" who crossed my path -- however unintentional they were -- they were a "gift" from the universe to make me kick it up a notch. It rained during the second half of my run and I loved it!

Tempo Run @ 00:55:12
Attitude = 10 Performance = 10

WU @ 03:02
111a, 122m
Tempo @ 47:20
150a, 165m
CD @ 04:49
136a, 151m

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Took today as a complete rest day. My weight is back down again (to where I started a month ago) so I continue to plug away...

I got in 5 runs this week and all of them felt pretty good so I am happy with my week overall.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I did my long run on the Sammamish Trail this morning and started at Log Boom Park. I tried a new drink on this run as I am still trying to figure out my race day nutrition. Fortunately, there were mile markers on the trail so I could track my pace.

For breakfast, I made oatmeal and added some raisins, almonds and a nectarine. I ran within an hour after eating it and while it did not hurt too much because of my pace, I know I should at least wait an hour and a half before running.

I also pushed my pace too fast the first half (@ 9:00-9:10) and therefore was unable to negative split the second half and my pace on the way back was @ 9:15-9:30. I did a fast mile in the middle and was unable to get my HR back down after that. I figured out after that I was taking in a lot of caffeine as my blocks had caffeine and the drink also had caffeine -- yikes!

At the end, I did my last mile fast mile and I do not know if I did it at a 7:20 or 8:20 pace. It felt like a 7:20 pace (ouch) and if it was an 8:20 then I am in trouble because I cannot imagine keeping an 8:30 pace for 26.2.

I also learned that I need to state my intentions out loud before my workout and STICK to it. I should have said that I was going to run out at a 9:30 pace -- do my middle fast mile at 8:15-8:30 and then if I felt really good, come back at a 9:15 pace and do the last two miles at 8:15-8:30.

In terms of attitude, I was feeling tired -- especially at the end but was able to be focused and did not let others on the trail dictate my reactions so that was good.

So I learned some good stuff today :)

18 Mile Run @ 02:46:49
Attitude= 8 Performance = 8
155a, 197m

Friday, October 13, 2006

Enjoyed another beautiful and brisk (temperature, not pace) commute into the office today. I sure do love living here...

17 Mile Commute @ 01:25:00
Got in an aerobic run at lunch today and while I am not sure of the exact mileage, I KNOW it was further than my foot pod gave me credit for. I started the run on a downhill and my shins definitely complained early on -- I had a tough time with two things. First, my technique downhill needs some real work. Second -- I was trying to figure out what parts of the run I did today that I could do for my tempo runs so I really did not stay in the moment of the run I was in.

6.5+ Mile Run @ 00:58:35
Attitude = 10 Performance = 7
137a, 189m

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Last night was a late one -- was at the office until close to midnight assisting with a big pitch for Thursday morning.

This changes my workout schedule slightly -- got a weight session in at lunch and will ride the Hindenburg home. Tomorrow I will ride in and then do my long aerobic run at lunch.

Weenie Weight Training

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight
5 x 15 Crunch (side and front)
2 x 12 Lower Ab Bicycle

3 x 15 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Tricep Push Down @ 40 Machine
1 x 15, 2 x 12 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Had a really enjoyable commute home today -- left around 4:30 and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. I did not push it very hard but did have a good time.

17 Mile Commute @ 01:25:00

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Had a really good interval run today. Last night, I started to think about it and immediately went into my "oh no" head space -- "how will I be able to do that?" So I worked hard to turn it around and tried to visualize myself running my intervals fast and finishing strong. Now mind you, my visualization skills last for about 3 seconds but I did keep making myself return to that place so I think I managed about 14.7 seconds of total visualization. Well, it is a start...

Today my workout was 5 x 800 on the 3:45 with a 200 recovery. My starting point is on one side of a flat stretch so I said the word "Enjoy" whenever I started each interval and told myself to just float those flat parts. I guess it worked because I made all my intervals.

In addition, I am scoring all my workouts on both performance and attitude from a 1-10. I had fun today but I docked myself a point for getting pissed at two women during my last interval who DROVE to the edge of the track and got out with their dog and then proceeded to jog slowly around the track three wide without regard for anyone else. But I digress and it did make me run my fastest interval...

6 Mile Interval Workout @ 00:51:21
Attitude = 9 Performance = 10

WU @ 12:09

Interval 1 @ 03:39

Interval 2 @ 03:34

Interval 3 @ 03:36

Interval 4 @ 03:34

Interval 5 @ 03:30

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Went for a recovery run around Greenlake today. It felt hard and I was pretty slow but I am glad I made it.

3 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Then had a really good meeting with Cheryl who took the time out of her busy schedule to talk with me about my training, racing and headspace. I sure did need it and will work on some of the mental strategies she talked with me about.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Went to Cheryl's spin class this morning and got a respectable butt kicking.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
130a, 165m

Also managed to get in part of my Weenie Weight Workout before spin. The weights seem to be heavier at Anderson's...

3 x 1 min Plank (4 x 10 sec one leg, 5 sec both, switch and repeat)

3 x 15 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 65 machine
3 x 15 Row @ 65 machine
3 x 15 Tricep Push Down @ 30 Machine
3 x 15 Bicep @ 15 dumbbell

Did my race pace run on the treadmill this afternoon. I planned to run 4 miles of it at race pace but it was too much and I ended up doing only 3 (at an 8:34 pace) with a 1 mile WU and .25 mile walk CD.

4.25 Race Pace Run @ 00:40:00

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My weight was up 3 at this morning's check-in. Now of course, I got a stupid response from the CK database letting me know that I should be cutting calories. Now, in order to have gained three pounds of fat in 1 week, I would have had to have eaten about 7000 extra calories last week (didn't happen). I hate how they do not consider other options -- for example monthly water retention (BINGO) that leads to crabbiness especially at stupid online databases that spit out idiotic generic comments.

Took the day off of training entirely. Volunteered at the Pride Foundation 5k Run in the morning while Ruth did her longest run ever along Lake Washingon. Then we picked Janarah and her new bike up and got a nice ride on the Burke Gilman Trail before celebrating her birthday with spaghetti and cupcakes at our home.

The biggest achievement of the day was that Janarah actually ate a serving of broccoli thanks to her hero, Ruth -- who made it look really really good :)

Was a light training week for me even though I got in 5 days of running -- I only cycled once.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Had a really good long run today. Ran from home to Greenlake -- down Stone Way to Gasworks and then on the trail to UW -- up the Arboretum and then along Lake Washington BLVD to and around Seward Park. I know that it was at least 16 miles but my stupid pod put me at 14.5. So I am ignoring it.

I also negative split my run by keeping my HR for the first 01:20 at 135a and then kicked it up to 145a. During the final loop around Seward, I took it up again to 155a for a last couple of miles fast couple of miles.

16 Mile Run @ 02:35:01
142a, 184m

Friday, October 06, 2006

Rode to work today on the Hindy.

17 Mile @ 01:24:00

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Got in a nice aerobic run at the Slough this morning. Added extra on the road to the beginning of the run for some additional miles and while waiting for the sun to rise.

7.5 Mile Run @ 01:13:28
136a, 157m


Weenie Weight Training

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight
5 x 15 Crunch (side and front)
3 x 15 Lower abs (legs up on bench)
3 x 1 min Plank

3 x 15 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Tricep Push Down @ 40 Machine
1 x 12, 2 x 10 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This morning was my interval run -- this time 4 x 800's on the 3:45 with a 200 recovery in between. I don't have my HR stats with me but I remember my times. Basically, I know that I am running these too fast but do not know pace well enough yet to regulate it because I am so worried about not making my interval. On alternate weeks due to my work schedule and the darker mornings, I will do some of these on the treadmill and that will help keep me on pace.

6.5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:53:00

Interval 1 @ o3:35

Interval 2 @ o3:36

Interval 3 @ o3:36

Interval 4 @ o3:35

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I took a very easy day today and worked on drills and kicking in the pool before getting out early. Swimming does nothing good for my shoulder and I am thinking about taking the quarter off from swim team to let it heal -- this is good timing because my running volume is increasing. I can easily get into the pool at 24 and do drills and kicking there.

1000 Swim Practice @ 00:30:00

Monday, October 02, 2006

Did an easy three mile recovery run on the treadmill and followed it with weights.

3 Mile Run @ 00:28:30

Weenie Weight Training

5 x 15 Back @ 10 weight, side no weight
5 x 15 Crunch (side and front)
3 x 15 Lower abs (legs up on bench)
3 x 1 min Plank

3 x 15 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 15 Row @ 75 machine

3 x 15 Tricep Push Down @ 40 Machine
3 x 15 Bicep @ 15 dumbbell (need to take this up to the 17.5 next time)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today I increased my running distance. Ruth and I worked out a plan and I drove and parked at Log Boom and had mapped that from there to Gasworks to home would be 14 miles. She took off on her bike and ended at Log Boom and drove home. By the time I got to Greenlake, I had been running for 2 and a half hours and decided that my mileage estimate was wrong and stopped running. Fortunately, Ruth had ended her ride and gave me a bit of a boost home after I walked some of it.

My run felt good and I focused on keeping my HR at 135 throughout.

14 Mile Run @ 01:30:00
136a, 151m

My weight is down a bit over a pound and the stupid response that Calorie King spits out when I enter my information cracked me up. Basically, it said congratulations on your weight loss but don't get too excited -- it is probably water weight. But just in case it isn't, keep up the good work! :)

My training hours are beginning to climb up a bit again and that makes me happy!