Saturday, February 28, 2009

I was happy to learn that the weather was going to be conducive for a ride this morning. I started at Gasworks and did a Lake Washington South end loop. Got lots of time in my aerobars (need to continue to work on flexibility) and kept the pace steady. 45 miles is such a civilized distance and offers me the time and energy to actually enjoy the rest of my Saturday!

45.4 Mile Ride @ 03:00:00

Got in a lift today and even did my core work. I figured that I would work from the bottom up and started with legs, did core and finally upper :)

Weights @ 00:40:00

Friday, February 27, 2009

This morning was a swimmer's 50th birthday so our set was 50 x 50. Fun :)

2750 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Jon is currently "spring cleaning" her body and has given up caffeine, sugar, processed foods and alcohol. Unfortunately, that just means more suffering for us as she was even more energized :(

Core @ 00:30:00

I was looking forward to a light afternoon and getting in a lift before Happy Hour plans but no good deed goes unpunished in the world of web. I made a couple of quick updates to try to save a developer the time but ended up mangling a page a bit by pushing the wrong code and ended up frantically trying to fix it far too late into the afternoon :( So no lift but I did make it to the very tail end of Happy Hour and the cosmos that was waiting for me (thanks Jen!).

I am also really beginning to feel internally escalated about my trip and while I appear fully functional on the outside, too often I am fighting back a flood of tears during the most innocuous moments of the day. I found a really good article by an adoptee who wrote about her experiences going back to her birth country. While she had many good points, the last really spoke to me. I am finding myself not telling people about my history when mentioning my upcoming trip because I just don't want to deal with their excitement/expectations about it. I know people mean well but I have been searching for years for my birth family and found nothing and I know that simply going there will not offer me any more answers. This first trip is just to see how I feel when both feet are back on the ground there. I want to be immersed in the sounds/smells and see if I feel anything. I have no illusions that I will remember a thing but I wonder how being there will shape my dreams.

Just trying to breathe right now...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just when we though spring was here, we got another blanket of snow to let us know that winter is not yet done with us. I got in a good tempo bike on the rollers even though I really find it tough to get warmed up on morning rollers workouts. The workout was a 10 minute warm up, 20 at tempo pace (17+ mph), 5 recovery, 20 tempo and 5 cool down. About 15 minutes in, I started to feel tired and had to remind myself that tempo workouts are not supposed to be FUN. They are supposed to be hard :)

15.6 Mile Tempo Bike @ 01:00:00

After waiting for 45 minutes at the bus stop for a bus that never came, I headed back home to thaw out and work from there until the roads cleared a bit. Of course, once I started to work, I could not find a breaking point to leave to hop on the bus so I just continued from there. Afterwards, I headed to the gym to get in my tempo run for the week. I warmed up for .5 at a 10 pace, then did 5 miles at an 8:34 pace followed by a .5 mile cool down. I am quite addicted to my iPhone now and the Pandora app kept me from going completely crazy!

6 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:52:00
Got in a lift this morning before core class. During core, Jon had us hula hoop and I actually was able to do it for short intervals of time.

Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:30:00

After work, I got in a run from home to and around Greenlake.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:52:00

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I was so glad to go to yoga this morning and sure did need it! It was pretty hard today because we did lots of twists but I was glad for the workout and stretch.

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Monday, February 23, 2009

Even though I was in bed by 8:20 last night (so whipped), I did not sleep as well because my legs ached through the night and would wake me up. I did manage to make it to swim practice and did my best to hang on with the big kids through a 1000 yard 100's workout.

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then I hopped on my bike to make it a brick and to make sure I got in a bike because of dinner plans tonight.

10 Mile Bike @ 00:40:00

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yesterday pretty much felt like an endurance brick workout as I went pretty much straight from cycling to girls night to sleep to running the next morning at 7:30 AM.

For the first few miles, I struggled to wake up but I had BR and Karen to keep me moving. I definitely started to really feel tired after mile 18 but was grateful to have the strength and stubbornness to make it through.

22 Mile Run @ 03:40:00

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What an amazing day for a ride! I was planning to get out on my bike close to 9 AM but ended up messing around with my aero bars (AGAIN) and did not get started until after 10. I put together a great route in my mind and started at Log Boom. From there, I went over Juanita (added Holmes Point), to Bellevue and around Mercer Island. Then I took the trail through Factoria to Lake Sammamish, then Marymoor and then the trail back to Log Boom. I felt really good -- the sun sure helped and I seemed to get a lot of tailwind gifts along the way.

I also was able to get in aero position a bit and that made it worth all the futzing around this morning. Near the end of the ride, my hip flexors were getting tired and it was a good reminder to keep focusing on them. It was also 6 miles longer than I was supposed to do but I did owe a few miles from last week so it worked out. All and all, it was a perfect ride and I am very happy with it!

66 Mile Ride @ 04:20:00 (15.2 average speed)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Went to a social last night and made the mistake of telling the bartender that I had a taste for ginger. He made me a modified version of what he called the "Dark and Stormy" with bourbon. Yum! I was tired from my day and drank it like soda...that did not serve me very well the next morning when my alarm went off at 4:40. I rolled over to just skip swimming but Wally decided that I had slept enough and got me up and out the door. Swimming with the big girls, as always kicked my butt and the little bourbon haze I had going did not help....

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Made it into core class. Jon is back from her vacation and proceeded to make us make up for HER two weeks off :(

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Got in one of Triharder's spin workouts this morning at the gym. Good workout and nice mix of effort, elevation and cadence.

Spin Workout @ 00:50:00

Got in a stair workout after work that included a 2 mile WU and 2 mile CD.

Stair Run @ 01:00:00

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I swam a lane up today again and really had to hang on for dear life with today's distance workout. There was a set of 4x150 and they rotated who led. Unfortunately, they made me lead and I almost killed myself trying not to slow everyone down. After that was a 400 and by the time we hit the 150's again, I was so pathetic and slow, they just let me stay in the back.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

I then changed into my running clothes and ran around Greenlake. I kept my clip up and managed to finally make it around the lake in under 30 minutes. Not sure how I could be so pooped in the water and then have a good run, but I will take that single victory!

3.2 Mile Run @ 00:28:00

Penni agreed to come to the 5:30 stretch class tonight before our celebratory dinner and I was so glad she did! We got in a good stretch and I learned how flexible she is :) Great conversation after and something to be repeated often I hope.

Stretch Class @ 01:15:00

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Had to be at work early for a launch on our site so I went to swim practice and got out 10 minutes early.

Swim Practice @ 00:50:00

Got in my weights between work and my late afternoon appointment.

Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

Monday, February 16, 2009

I was pretty wiped last night so I slept in instead of swimming and managed to get in a good 9 hours of sleep! Went to core this morning and plan to fit in a bike ride this evening. Not sure when I will get in the lift I missed this weekend but it should be in the next day or so.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Then I planned a nice aerobic roller ride after work but instead, I kept adjusting my aero bars so only ended up getting in 30 minutes total.

7 Mile Aerobic Bike @ 00:30:00

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Met everyone at 7:30 for our 20 mile run and had another good one with BR. Other than my cycle starting at EXACTLY mile 7 and cramps hitting hard at mile 17, it was a good run with great company. My ankle held up really well and did not even need to be iced...

20 Mile Run @ 03:20:00

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today took more work than usual to get in my bike ride. I drove to North Bend to do a loop she sent me before hooking up with her for the rest of the ride. As I started to assemble my things, I realized that I only had ONE SHOE. I tore apart my bag and car looking for it but it was not there. I called her and headed back. When I got home, I found the shoe. I had actually put it away on the shelf. Who puts one shoe away on a shelf?

I also decided then that I would put on my aerobars and that, of course took longer than expected AND I still want to adjust them again. I also decided to do the ride indoors because I was so pressed for time at this point. After getting 9 miles in, I really could not stand it much longer and took off outside to get in the rest of the ride by going North around the lake.

I went out a bit too hard and by the time I was halfway through the long side of Mercer Island when I realized I was really pooped. Fortunately, Jen was kind enough to scoop me at Leschi so I would not have to ride uphill (and way past my mileage) home although I was 4 miles under the 55 I was supposed to do.

51 Mile Ride @ 03:16:00 (15.4 ave speed)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Had a really great swim workout this morning. There were just two of us in the faster lane and I was able to hang in there because the intervals were short. I also asked the coach to help me with my pull because I am so darn slow at it and he advised me to really finish my stroke and that seemed to help.

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Core class was great too.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, February 12, 2009

For a bike workout this morning, I tried another of Tri Harder's workouts. I believe it was called Sweatfest and she was not exaggerating. Did a lot of climbing as well as some sprinting. One part that made me laugh out loud was when she was pushing us to go faster and instructed us to visualize a cyclists ahead...and on the leg of that cyclist is the number of OUR age group :)

Spin Workout @ 00:55:00

I have an appointment with my Dr. this afternoon to take a look at my foot and then I plan to drop my bike at Speedy Reedy and run around Lake Union (if I am cleared) right after before going home and back to work.

I love my doctor for many reasons but this visit was one of my favorites. She walked into the room and said, "so you decided to run 18 miles on a rolled ankle?!?" -- her tone the equivalent of a slap upside the back of the head. And on it went. She was the voice of reason and made no attempt to hide her sarcasm at whatever questions I had such as exactly when will it heal? can I run a marathon next month? if I got a brace at a drugstore, would that help? if I rest for 2 more days, can I run 20 miles on Sunday? Finally she said, "believe me, if I could give you a shot and send you on your way, I WOULD."

So basically I did stretch out a tendon that happens to get stretched when people roll their ankles but because I could bear weight, there was no need for an x-ray. The pain I felt on Monday was because my body changed my stride because my ankle hurt. She also said, "and I know this may sound crazy, but try running ONE mile and see how it feels and go from there". Her prescription is to run if I feel good and STOP when I feel pain. She only had to say that 17 times ... And she finished with this gem combined with an eye roll. "And if you really want to buy a Bartell's brace, be my guest."

So I ran around Greenlake and the foot/ankle felt good.

3.2 Mile Run @ 00:28:00

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting into a good pattern of going to bed around 8:30 so the 4:50 AM wake up is not nearly as brutal. Today was distance day at swimming and I got to swim with only two others and was well challenged! Because it is Wednesday, I dressed to run but when I went into the parking lot, there was a thin sheet of slippery ice on it and I opted to wait to do my run later. I also have an appointment with my Dr. tomorrow afternoon so I should know more about my foot. It has been feeling a bit better because I have been wearing my Earth shoes every day this week so far and they always help.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Made it then into core and Tija substituted for Jon and made us all suffer...

Core Class @ 00:30:00

I had grand plans to get in my 3 mile run, a lift and check out the new deep stretch class at Seattle Fitness before dinner plans but my technical ineptitude combined with a complete lack of instructions kept me (and a very patient developer) at work much later than I was hoping. I was able to get in a lift although I did looking longingly through the glass at the stretch class because that was exactly what my tension riddled body needed. Instead, I substituted 2 martinis at dinner :)

Weights @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wally tried to wake me up at 4:30 this morning but I resisted and he let me sleep another 20 minutes before I had to get up and catch the bus. Yoga class was good and very low key -- exactly what I needed after missing last week.

Yoga @ 01:15:00

Monday, February 09, 2009

I was surprised by the snow this morning but still made it into swimming. Swam in the faster lane and was able to keep up, mostly because the set distances were shorter. I really do need to continue to focus on my pull. Our main set was a 1000, going up in increments of 25's with 5 seconds rest (for me, that just meant a gulp of air on the wall and off I went again) up to 200.

2500 Swim @ 00:55:00

I got out of the pool a few minutes early to give myself a time cushion with the weather. But it actually just meant I got more time to wake up because I opted to do my core at home instead.

Core @ 00:15:00

My foot/ankle really really hurt this morning and I had difficulty walking without pain. I did wear my earth shoes today and that seems to help. I am going to call my Dr. to get an appointment with the foot specialist she and I talked about a few months ago. I am concerned that I may not be able to run the Seoul Marathon if 12 miles makes me hurt so much :(

I had a choice tonight to go home, clean my bike and then get in a workout or go to a spin class. Unfortunately, I am not crazy about the Monday night instructor but I stumbled upon some free spinning podcast workouts by trihardest and I figured I would give it a try. I hopped on a spin bike at the gym and proceeded to get my butt kicked by the little voice coming through my ear buds. WOW! I worked much harder than I would have myself and she did a great job motivating through the workout that was challenging and had enough variety to get in a good honest workout.

Spin Workout @ 00:45:00

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Had a very nice run with KarenD today and got to work some good hills. My ankle started to hurt a bit near the end but I was still able to whip out a pretty decent last mile fast mile at the very end. Then got to catch up with Jeff over a cup of Starbucks oatmeal after :)

12.2 Mile Run @ 01:56:00

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Met Ann in North Bend for a ride in her area and was so glad I did. The company was perfect, the views and sun amazing and the route offered exactly what she promised -- a bit of everything. Apparently this is my time to get "schooled" as she proceeded to do so the second half of the ride. I hung on for dear life while mentally trying to figure out if I had enough parts to put on my aero bars, that were a bit mangled after IM Canada 07 so I might have a chance of keeping up with her next time.

After, I got to meet her husband who I liked instantly :) He also let me know that my fingertips were not just still cold, as I had thought but instead, that I was feeling a bit of Carpal Tunnel and needed to move my hands more during longer rides. Great to know!

31 Mile Ride @ 02:02:00

Got in a lift too before my dinner plans and because I was pressed for time, decided that I would do my core on Sunday.

Weights @ 00:40:00

Friday, February 06, 2009

Swam a lane up and got schooled by the big girls but managed to stay
with them for a 10 * 50 set.

2000 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then made it to core but Jon was not there so we all did our own
class, still got in a solid workout and had fun saying things she
would say :)

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wally woke me up 15 minutes before my 5:30 alarm but I felt well rested so I got up and hopped on my bike. I had planned a tempo workout with a 10 minute WU, 20 minutes @ 17 mph, 5 recovery and then 20 minutes @ 17 mph again with a 5 minute CD. It felt like a good solid workout.

Tempo Bike @ 01:00:00

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

During swimming today, we did "T20" after a very nice long warm up. Because my lane was so crowded, I hopped into the next one up and did get lapped during the T20. It was a really great measuring stick for Ironman (not even close to ready...) and I got in 1250.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

After a lightening fast clothing change and a quick ankle tape, I ran around Greenlake and my pace was no faster than two weeks ago :(

3.2 Mile Run @ 00:30:00

I need to confess that I have not exactly been thorough with my weight workout. Jerome added some core stuff and that has been the first to go whenever I was the slightest bit pinched for time, or just not in the mood. I figured my core class would make up (even though Jerome was clear that this was in addition to core class). So today, I went home, did my core at home FIRST and then did the rest at the gym.

Weights @ 00:40:00

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Worked from home today and rested and elevated my ankle. Because I did not go to Yoga, I did a stretch/yoga CD I had picked up a few weeks ago and it was an okay substitute...

Yoga @ 00:40:00

Monday, February 02, 2009

Last night, I iced and elevated my ankle and downed some Ibuprofen. It is still sore today and I am glad I do not have a run planned until Wednesday so hopefully it will heal a bit. Made it into core class this morning.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

My ankle is still giving me grief and I am now on the couch icing, elevating and resting it. I got in a roller workout and even was able to stand without any pain. However, once I was off the bike, the limping started again :( I already let my manager know that I may work from home tomorrow to continue to ice and elevate and I am 99% certain I will stick to it.

15 Mile Roller Bike @ 01:00:00

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Worked late last night and then up again at 3 AM for more work. Got to sleep in late so that was lovely. Did some stuff around the house, ran an errand and got in an abbreviated lift.

Weights @ 00:30:0

I am scrambling a bit but am eating a light lunch and then headed out for my 18 mile run before it gets dark...

I finally headed out for my run and managed to roll my ankle within a block of my home. Fortunately, it really did not hurt until the last 2 miles. My route was pretty much made up but I got in some good elevation, including the Howe Street stairs. I forgot to do a race pace mile and was awfully glad when the run was over.

18 Mile Run @ 03:00:00