Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I woke up BEFORE the 5:30 alarm went off and even had a moment to check email and get gas before swim practice. Then I pulled in, found a parking spot and realized that I had forgotten my swim bag that had everything I needed for swimming as well as the clothes I needed for work!


So I turned around, went home -- changed and then went into work early.

So I took a longer lunch and included the Mercer Slough in my run. I worked hard to maintain a tempo pace for most of the run and jogged/walked the last half mile. Of course, my HR monitor decided not to work so I have no HR information -- except I know that I worked very hard and kept my pace at 8:30-9:00.

7 Mile Run @ 01:06:07

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Got in weights during lunch. Just did 1 bicep and tricep because of time.

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
3 x 15 Crunch on Machine @ 20 lb

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 16 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 2 x 15 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 10 @ 20 dumbbells

2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Monday, May 29, 2006

Had a really great ride today. We did the 7 Hills of Kirkland Century ride. I felt really strong on the hills throughout and while 100 miles still does not feel like an easy ride, I was comfortable the entire time.

100 Mile Ride @ 07:00:00

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another rainy day! We went to the Helene Madison Master's practice and I got in a terrific workout as I was well matched with Sally in my lane.

That's it for the day because we are saving our legs for tomorrow's Hills of Kirkland century. Later today, we are headed out to take Janarah to see Akeelah and the Bee.

2800 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

My cycling totals went down over 100 miles this week and I put in about 7 hours less of training.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

With 90% chance of rain, we changed our workout around to an excellent (in my humble opinion because it was my brilliant idea) brick. We went to the 9:00 Spin Class with Ruth's favorite instructor, Shari -- and from there I ran to and around Lake Union picking up Katie at Gasworks while Ruth got in a 5k on the treadmill. The only flaw was that I thought the running route I planned was 8 miles but my foot pod only registered it as 7.6. Not sure which is right...

Spin Class @ 00:45:48
137a, 165m

7.6 Mile Run @ 01:10:36
145a, 233m

Friday, May 26, 2006

Got in a nice distance workout this morning. Did a set of 3x500's with the middle as pull. Then we spent the morning meeting with a real estate agent and our match coordinator with the Bigs and Littles program. After getting a lift in, we are taking the rest of the day off :)

2550 Swim @ 00:55:00

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 16 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 2 x 15 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 10 @ 20 dumbbells
Curl 2 x 12 @ 30 barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 12.5 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I kicked ass in swim practice all by myself! I got to swim in my own lane and descended a set of 2 x 200's (3:10, 3:08, 3:05 and 3:00). Each 200 had a 50 recovery that I did as EZ backstroke.

So I guess last night was not a complete disaster after all...

2600 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Did my Bike Intervals on the rollers -- whew it was a workout!

After messing around a bit with my new HR monitor, I was able to download the splits and HR -- and export them to Excel. I accidentally rode an extra half mile during interval 7.

16 Mile Bike Interval Workout @ 01:01:00


5 x 1 Min Planks

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Did a tempo run on the treadmill at lunch today. My HR was pretty high throughout but it was quite humid and warm...

5.5 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:51:51

1 Mile WU @ 11:23
155a, 181m

4 Mile Tempo Pace (8:20) @ 33:20
176a, 199m

.5 Mile CD jog/walk @ 07:07
136a, 106e

I did NO training the rest of the night. I was going to ride home but the prospect of possibly getting caught in the rain along with feeling quite whiney and crampy propelled me to drive home instead. My funk continued (because I then felt like a complete slacker for not riding --- yet I still did not want to do anything but curl up on the couch). Ruth was very kind to me and took me out for Korean Food (Bimbimbop) and I then indulged in ice cream after 7PM.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tough morning...just felt tired and my legs were quite sore. More so than they have been for a long time. I also started my period so that did not help. I got out of swim practice early and planned the rest of the day off.

I did some stretching tonight though -- something I had taken a break from the past couple of days.

1900 Swim Practice @ 00:40:00

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ran over to the gym and got in some weight training. Definitely not feeling my strongest... Planning my long run after work today.

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair
3 x 15 Crunch Machine @ 25

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 2 x 15 @ 65 barbell
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 12 @ 20 dumbbells
Curl 1 x 12, 1x8 @ 30 barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125


Did my long run after work today. Was feeling tired and unenthused so I just did my regular route from home up 15th to 175th and back down Meridian. I was playing around with my HR monitor and inadvertantly dumped the data.

11 Mile Run @ 01:50:00

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ruth was itching to get on her bike today so I moved my long run to Monday and rode with her. We went over I-90 and over Juanita and then got on the path to meet her parents at Redmond Center where they are staying for lunch. It felt good to ride with gears and we got some good speed and pushed each other a bit on the flats and hills. Then we rode back the flat trail home but by then I was pretty much done with being on a bike.

68 Mile Ride @ 04:36:00

The week got a bit jacked up but I managed to get in at least two workouts per sport in...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Tour de Cure went really well today! The weather cooperated, the signage and support were first rate and my riding partners simply exceptional.

Rolf, Jeff and I rode the 50 mile Tour de Cure route and left shortly before 9 AM. I made it up Inglewood Hill on my single speed! I was so psyched about it. Jeff had mentioned something about collecting dimes from Inglewood Hill walkers and that planted a seed in my stubborn brain that I was not going to part with that dime. And it nearly killed me -- I was sucking wind for a very long time after summiting -- my biceps hurt from gripping the handlebars. But I now have something to brag about.

Of course that pales in comparison to the chivalry and accomplishments of my riding companions. Rolf got a flat at the top of Inglewood and it took me a bit of time before I realized that they were no longer following me. Jeff stayed with Rolf and had his tire off and had almost completely fixed the flat before I got to them. Shortly after that, we came across another cyclist with a flat and Jeff was off his bike fixing that right away with Rolf's attentive assistance.

The weather was beautiful and the ride relaxing and fun -- we averaged about 10-12 mph. Rolf, who had never ridden more than 30 flat miles, was steady throughout the entire hilly 50 mile ride. And he was not even sore the next day! What a kick ass athlete. Jeff was just a wonderful riding companion and we had a lot of fun chatting -- and realizing how many scary similarities we have ... and he was happy to accompany me on the hill repeats we did while Rolf pushed his bike up two of the longer steeper grades.

50 Mile Bike Ride @ 04:00:00

Friday, May 19, 2006

Another really really good swim with Sarah this morning. Emily set a rather unreasonable time for our 125's at the end and we managed 4 at 2:00.

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

That was my only workout today as I spent the day with Ruth's parents. I took them for a ride on the route so Rolf could see what he was getting into and we also adjusted his loaner bike. Ruth was actually done at 7 PM (she is really an amazing event organizer) so we were all able to go out for dinner that night. Rolf (with his new martini bike socks), Jeff (maybe Kevin) the Hindenburg and I are planning to depart at 9 AM and ride the best run Tour de Cure ride ever!

Please send good wishes for little to no rain...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today's interval run was an excellent mentally and physically challenging workout. Ruth woke up at 4AM and went for her run shortly after while I slept in -- I figured that at least one of us needed to be rested...

So I dropped her off at work to help her with truck/supplies logistics and then went to Greenlake to get in my pyramid workout. (200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 200) with 400 recovery inbetween.

I ran the long side to the track for a nice warm up and was able get up to the 1600 before the phys ed class descended.... Even though I AM a 7 minute miler, I did reset my expectations so I would not start to feel too badly if I did not run the mile in 7 minutes -- and I did not. During my 1600, this guy appeared on the inside track and was ambling towards me -- he jumped out of the way but felt he had to yell at me to let me know I was going the wrong way. Now, he used the track as a SHORTCUT, and was not even running it but he did seem to feel entitled to write his own rules for the half minute he was on it. Ugh! Not that it added 7 seconds but I just wanted to take a moment to rant about him.

Then the class descended during my second 1200 and while I held my line on the inside of the track, it was a royal pain in the ass because they had no clue about etiquette - I had to yell track at one point to get one clueless strolling boy to move. After that, I decided to get my last 800 and 400 (crap, I just realized I forgot the last 200) on the inside loop of Greenlake.

Interval Run @ 01:16:31
165a, 194m

WU @ 18:48
161a, 185m

200 Sprint @ :55
188a, 193m, 192e
200 Recovery @ 01:09
174a, 192m, 145e

400 Sprint @ 01:42
180a, 189m, 189e
400 Recovery @ 02:57
144a, 189m, 178e

800 Sprint @ 03:26
187a, 194m, 188e
400 Recovery @ 03:09
149a, 188m, 178e

1200 Sprint @ 05:22
188a, 190m, 188e
400 Recovery @ 03:47
136a, 188m, 140e

1600 Sprint @ 07:07
187a, 194m, 190e
400 Recovery @ 03:26
148a, 191m, 178e

1200 Sprint @ 05:21
186a, 193m, 189e
Recovery @ 02:43 (jogged to Greenlake Track)
147a, 189m, 137e

.5+ Mile Sprint @ 04:45 (I missed the 2nd mile marker)
177a, 187m, 181e
Recovery @ 02:00
142a, 181m, 133e

.25 Mile Sprint @ 01:58
177a, 190m, 181e

Cool Down @ 07:49
151a, 181m, 138e

Took the time to S T R E T C H at Greenlake and then planked for 5 x 1:00 intervals when I got home.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

At 3:30 this morning, Ruth informed me that she was going to work. She is completely stressed about her event but I was able to convince her to try to go back to sleep.

I got in some upper weights and core at lunch.

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 65
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 15 @ 20 dumbbells
Hammer Curl 2 x 12 @ 12 barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Tonight I skipped my bike hill workout. Life is just a bit hectic right now and I opted for an oasis of time over dinner with Ruth. I am also now in day three of my sugar and alcohol restriction*. We had dinner with my coach on Sunday and were talking about weight and racing. I have gained 10 lbs since I qualified for Boston and that has had a direct impact on my racing. We also did strength and flexibility tests and while I am stronger overall, I am less flexible :(

Tonight I stretched using my stretch strap. I need a new one -- the one I have is a sash I had from a pair of pants and I tied it into loops. It is just a little short. I can sew so I should be able to figure something out soon. Or I will get more flexible and it will be easier to use :)

*So I have set a new guideline for myself. No alcohol or sugar before noon or after 7 PM-- except for special occasions. That will cut the calories from the soy lattes ( I switched to non-fat) and the non-fat but sugary creamer we put in our coffee in the morning at home. And it cuts into my nightly ice cream. I have stuck to it for 3 days now and I think it is a plan I can live with for a while because I am not completely cutting some of my favorite things out. But I am making a change.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a beautiful morning for a bike ride! Rode the Hindenburg to work today. Legs feeling a bit tired but spirits were high :)

17 Mile Bike Commute to Work @ 01:18:00
117a, 148m

I extended my ride home by taking the south end of the lake route. It was a fairly flat and a very pleasant ride. I cheated at the end by having Ruth scoop me at Gasworks.

25 Mile Bike Commute from Work @ 02:00:00

Stretched at Gasworks while waiting for Ruth and then stretched again at home with the stretch strap.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Had a really good swim with Sarah today. She has such a terrific attitude and is helping me not only get stronger in the pool, but more flexible mentally. We had a couple of people join us in the lane whose speed was much slower and I was a bit disappointed although I was already working on turning it in my head into a good challenge thing blah blah blah.

After our first set, she said to me "this is a terrific opportunity to use the pull bouy for those 400's" (to even things out) and that was exactly what we did. Even though they followed suit and were still much slower, turning it into an opportunity was exactly what I needed to hear and an excellent reminder.

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

I got in my long run after work today. I thought I had planned a 9+ mile route as I needed to get in 10 but it turned out to be just about exactly 9 miles. I forgot my HR monitor strap so I just have the time recorded. It took me about 45 minutes to start to feel like I could actually run. I am not sure if it was the heat, the end of a long Monday or what.

9 Mile Run @ 01:25:25

I also S T R E T C H E D after. I stretched my calves, quads and hamstrings for 30 seconds each.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I took the day off today except for some light weights I did in the afternoon at home instead of going to the gym.

Weight Training

Back 2 x 15 on Ball
1 x 15 Crunch on Ball
5 x 1:00 Plank (front, side, etc)

Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Reverse Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 8lb dumbbells

1 x 12 Push Ups

Concentration Curl 2 x 15 @ 16 dumbbells

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 8 dumbbells

This was another 17 hour training week. whew.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Today's Skagit Spring Classic Century was a beautiful and fun ride. It was sunny throughout and some of the views quite breathtaking. We stopped at rest stops every 20 miles or so to stretch and re-charge. It was not too hilly and we struggled only three times in the ride. Once in the middle when the road was made out of rough chip seal and we were climbing up in a headwind, I convinced Ruth to paceline with me and that helped. Near the end, we had a flat and beautiful tailwind and I just took off. In my joy, I missed a turn and Ruth ended up having to chase me for about a mile -- she did not have much left in her legs and that sprint was not something she wanted to do. The ride back was a bit unpleasant against the wind with a slighly cranky girlfriend.

Finally, the headwind during the last 5 miles really picked up and I crawled to the finish at 11 mph. During the difficult times, I worked on my attitude and turned my thoughts around into it being good training experiences. We were done right at 4:30-- when the spaghetti dinner was supposed to end and we were SO HUNGRY but I still had a run to do. I strapped on my running shoes and took off -- there was a gravel path close, and I took it to the end (slightly over half a mile). I figured the end of the gravel path was a good sign and I turned around to try to get some spaghetti dinner. The good news is that I felt quite strong at the end and did not suffer during my (shortened) run.

100 Mile Bike @ 07:00:00

1 Mile Run Brick @ 00:10:34
137a, 176m

Friday, May 12, 2006

I started the morning quite cranky -- apparently still was not done from last night. But then Sarah showed up and dragged me through a truly fabulous swimming workout. I left the pool in a much better mood than when I entered it.

2600 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Then had an easy bike with the WE CYCLE team to work. I did work a bit harder as Jessica is already getting stronger.

10 Mile Bike @ 00:50:00

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Had a good tempo run this morning around Greenlake. Ruth and I ran to the track and she did intervals while I continued around the lake.

5.67 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:49:35
149a, 163m

Mile 1 @ 08:41
139a, 149m
Mile 2 @ 08:28
150a, 154m
Mile 3 @ 08:24
155a, 158m
Mile 4 @ 08:20
158a, 169m
Mile 5 @ 09:10 (1st half tempo pace, 2nd half met Ruth and CD pace)
149a, 163m
Mile 5.67 @ 06:32 (CD)
140a, 144m

Followed my run with some core.

5 x 1:00 Plank (front, side, etc)
4 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front, side, etc)


I was cranky on my ride home today. I rode home the long way -- over Juanita and Ruth met me on the trail close to Log Boom. I did not want to be on my bike any longer and was quite unpleasant to ride with :(

26 Mile Ride @ 01:45:00
111a, 150m

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sleeping in this morning seemed to make the difference as I was dragging yesterday. Got in some weight training at lunch and my reps and weights were back where they should be.

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Ab Machine
3 x 12 Legs Up Slanted Bench

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 65
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 12 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 20 dumbbells
Curl 2 x 12 @ 20 barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Lunges 2x15 @ 5 dumbells
Abductor 2x15 @ 75 Machine
Adductor 2x15 @ 80 Machine

We had a really good sprint bike workout today! I was quite nervous about it and Ruth was slightly cranky but we rallied :)

18 Mile Sprint Bike Workout @ 01:15:00

WU @ 11:00
94a, 118m

Mile Sprint @ 02:47
146a, 156m
.5 Recovery @ 01:56
124a, 155m

Mile Sprint @ 02:47
152am 165m
Recovery to top of Seward Park Upper Loop
124a, 161m

Upper Loop 4 Laps @ 10:42
148a, 166m
Upper Loop 1 Lap Recovery @ 04:32
117a, 158m

Upper Loop 4 Laps @ 10:46
148a, 163m
Recovery back to blvd @ 03:22
111a, 154m

Mile Sprint @ 03:11
150a, 162m
.5 Mile Recovery @ 02:39
115a, 154m

Mile Sprint @ 03:04
146a, 158m

Recovery @ 14:53 (Up to I90 and back)
111a, 155m

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Still feeling a bit beat up from the weekend but had a good swim practice even though the usual suspects were not there. I missed drafting Sarah and had to work hard all on my own :(

2350 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Then I rode the Hindenburg into work and I was tired Tired TIRED and s l o w.

10 mile Bike Commute @ 00:52:43

My ride home was a bit better but I definitely was not at the top of my game.

17 Mile Bike Commute @ 01:26:09
118a, 155m

Tomorrow's bike sprint workout is going to hurt. Here are the instructions from my coach...

Intervals on Lake Washington Blvd:

Because the road is so bad until Mt Baker, I do a 2 mile warm-up from Madrona till Mt B, then start with 1 mile hard, 1/2 mile recovery, and repeat, you will get two intervals in until Seward.

Then go up the hill and do 4 laps of the upper loop hard, one easy, then repeat, back down the hill and 1 mile intervals on the way back.

Then take the upper loop by I-90 on the way home and recover after that. You just can't do the upper loop on Thursdays because of the weekly crit.

Time each of your miles and also time the 4 laps together (not each lap). Now you also have a baseline to see improvements.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rest Day today.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Went for a run this morning at Discovery Park at my coach's suggestion because my next race will be on paths that are similar. This the first time I have ever run there, and despite the trail map -- I got a bit lost. It was fun and beautiful there.

8 Mile Run @ 01:20:00
135a, 152m

Then I lost 82 unretrievable minutes of my life taking Janarah to see Scary Movie 4 :(

After that, I did my weights.

Weight Training

5x Min Plank (3 front, 1 each side)
5 x 15 crunch on ball (3 front, 1 each side)
Back 2 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
2 x 15 Captain's Chair Leg Up


Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 2 x 12 @ 70
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 10 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl1 x 12, 1 x 10 @ 20 dumbbells
Curl 2 x 10 @ 25 Barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 12 Dip @

Below is my training summary for the week. I put in over 17 hours this week...longer than I have in a very long time...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Today was a hard, long but excellent day.

I met 4 members of the West Seattle contingent of the Viking Cyclists this morning at Chelan Cafe and we rode from there to Tacoma and back for a 65 mile ride with 4000 feet of climbing. Ruth is riding the Tour de Cure this weekend in California.

I was quite nervous about it but made the decision to show up and see if I could hang. I found out shortly that they are much stronger riders than I but they were also quite kind, regrouped often and taught me a lot.

As well as being a good physical challenge, it was good mental training too. The thought "I am the weakest rider in this group" came into my head too often and I worked hard to turn that into "What a good opportunity to ride with stronger riders who are patient and willing to teach me. I am going to learn so much today."

At the end of the ride, I continued on down to Alki point to get in my final 5 miles to make it 70. Then I bricked it and ran for 20+ minutes. My transition was unfortunately a little longer than 5 minutes because I was told to move my car before it got towed.

70 Mile Bike Ride @ 04:45:00
128a, 233m

Transition @ 00:07:00

2+ Mile Run @ 00:22:10
148a, 183m

Friday, May 05, 2006

Got to swim with Sarah this morning and Emily wrote us a good speed workout. Sarah was ready to work so I just hung on and chased her the entire time :)

Swim Practice 2550 @ 01:00:00

Then rode in from there with Jessica and Phillip from my Commute Challenge Team. It was a nice leisurely ride and I was happy to just ride at that pace -- did one hill repeat while waiting but that was the extent of me working hard.

10 Mile Bike Commute @ 00:50:00

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Had a really good training ride after work today. Rode the Orbea home through Kirkland and over Juanita. After I went up and down Juanita, I did 2 hill repeats back up the steep side before heading home on the trail. I worked throughout the ride on keeping my speed up and monitored my cadence on the hills to keep it at 70. I was mostly successful and when I dipped below 70, I worked really hard to keep it above 60.

32 Miles @ 02:15:00

Bellevue to Kenmore @ 01:00:00

Hill Repeat 1 @ 09:19
151a, 160m

Recovery 1 @ 04:40
104a, 148m

Hill Repeat 2 @ 09:22
152a, 162m

Kenmore to Home @ 01:00:00
129a, 159m

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Got to swim with just Sarah today and had a terrific workout despite her dusting me on every long set.

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Did a recovery interval run (4 x 400) today on the treadmill. Then did a bit of core after.

5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:46:26

2 Mile WU @ 18:48
129a, 140m

.25 Interval 1 @ 01:51
149a, 157m, 157e

.25 Recovery 1 @ 02:39
135a, 159m, 135e

.25 Interval 2 @ 01:50
149a, 176m, 155e

.25 Recovery 2 @ 02:42
134a, 157m, 133e

.25 Interval 3 @ 01:51
148a, 159m, 157e

.25 Recovery 3 @ 02:43
134a, 158m, 135e

.25 Interval 4 @ 01:49
150a, 169m, 162e

1.25 Cool Down @ 12:09
137a, 162m, 138e

5 x 1:00 Plank (alternate front and side)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Rode the Hindenburg to work this morning from downtown after the Bike to Work Breakfast.

I am feeling my legs today after weight training yesterday! OUCH.

12 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:05:24

Commuted home on the Hindenburg but took it extra slow as I was riding with a new member of our WE CYCLE commute challenge team. Ruth met us in Bellevue and we rode to where she parked at Gasworks.

15 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:20:00

Monday, May 01, 2006

Went for a run from home down and around Greenlake. My foot pod is definitely off because my pace was reading quite slowly and I finally turned off the pace reading portion of it because I was so frustrated with the time. However, I compared it to the last time I ran this in March and realize I have not declined as much as I thought.

6.1 Miles @00:57:32
138a, 193m
Met with my coach this morning to start to talk about my 1/2 Ironman and Ironman training plan. Not quite as painful as I anticipated but I learned that is because these workouts are more focused for the 1/2 Iron in June and that after that, it is really going to hurt...

Some takeaways:
  • Every long bike needs to be followed by a 20-30 minute run.
  • LEGS (Lunges, Add and Abductors) need to be added back into my weight training 1x a week.
  • Do CORE 3x a week.
  • I am to ride RAMROD with Ruth (I was hoping to be support staff) and train like it.
  • My runs need to be on gravel/dirt paths.
  • Alternate my workouts so I am doing interval, tempo and hill workout per sport. But never do those workouts back to back.

At the end of the session, I asked her what one thing I should change/do differently to be successful this summer. She told me that I need to focus on my mental game. I have not had a really good race since 2004 and it has been my attitude that is getting in the way of success. My reaction when I do not perform as I want is to get mad and berate myself -- that interferes with my ability workout and race well. She said I have a head of steel and while that can me really good in terms of discipline and focus, it also gets in the way. So I have some visualization homework to do.

Got in a lift today during lunch and added legs.

Weight Training

1x 1 Min Plank with Rotation each side
3 x 1 Min Plank
4 x 15 crunch on ball (2 front, 1 each side)
Back 2 x 12 @ 10 lb plate
2 x 12 Captain's Chair Leg Up

Overhead Press 2 x 12 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 1 x 12, 1 x 10 @ 70
Chest Flyes 1 x 10, 1x4 @ 30 dumbbells (hand hurt holding weights)

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 10 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl1 x 12, 1 x 10 @ 20 dumbbells
Hammer Curl 2 x 10 @ 15 dumbbells

Kickbacks 2 x 10 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Lunges 2x15 @ 5 dumbells
Adductor 2x15 @ 75 Machine
Abductor 2x12 @ 75 Machine